no its not on them its on us. that we support a bad company. you sit in the uber an dont even tip.
no its not on them its on us. that we support a bad company. you sit in the uber an dont even tip.
the unemployment rate is low because a lot of people that would be out of work are making do with being a driver. and this is not just low skills workers but college grads that are at the entry level with high student loan debt
no when its a waste of time no. if all she is going to do is keep shoveling it then its not discourse at that point its just pander and awkwardness
It does make sense to a degree how much is the answers to that questions its like doping with its above the base line they know you have done something but if you where way low on the baseline and you upped it to the base line you have a medically reason why you could. so that answer is tricky if her levels are that…
No your not, unless the courts say you have a case for asylum and all the paperwork looks good so they wont hold you and it will take a long time while your paperwork is process so they give you a temp green card that allows you to work. and go to school and pay taxes (anyone that works in this country with a work or…
Then you run if your better if not support the better of the rest.
Yes and is that there faults or ours. these guys are rich and old so it does not affect them who or what the president is or does. they are protected even if they hate the man or the policy they are good. we the people need better even if its only marginal cause we are on the knifes edge but. they are all the same it…
yes because people decided; oh they are all the same so who cares. how its that working out for us. every vote counts every time. chose the best of the two for what you know they have to offer. The wall and less taxes on the rich really is helping me right about now.
so is he better than trump that is the real question or will it be anyone but him like we did with Hillary. will you vote with our heads or emotions
That is not a fair statement, cause they work their butts of with blood sweat and tears for it and one mess up its all gone. This is the very definition of earning it for yourselves. And i am not a sports fan any sports. but i know these kids deserves much more. and to them I thank for there services. and if you get…
if anyone needs to be mocked is stupid people doing stupid stuff they know is stupid 2 seconds into doing it. that way the next time someone thinks they will think again. Mocking serves a very usefully purpose
a lot of Baby Boomers are buying them its a cheaper options fully loaded than most others
that was not soviet that was capitalists that did this.
True Words, I think what we need is hybrid system of the two...
That is the most asinine thing they must be the bottom of the barrel type people that they always dig up when they want pain people in a bad light. first off their white outfit were nice and what you will see in any black church on 1st and 5th Sundays and on Easter so for them to say that is messed up when most of the…
so $30 dollars a pay check is worth the thousands owed in taxes thats how it works out. $30 bucks is not even a tank of gas just to go to work.
That was not him that was the writer that wrote for him but hey what can you do.
email is for business. text and Instagram is for communication, or just pick up the phone don’t email
GM got rid of their EU division so this is what they get.
you mean british design right. this is a landrover just better priced and specked