
anyone can all themselves anything its easier to get the money, always read between the lines. Trust but verify

The IT crowed a lot of people by me have them and love them and its very nice Iphone type product if Iphone can keep raising their price Tesla will by fine

The South is Rising Hate stupidity and greed is rampant everywhere

White racist don’t like to listen to black man talk about other white people that will remained them he was in charge and the leader and you must remember they said (an American said about their elected leader) he is not their President (that was they day America died and is dead all the cracks broke and have shatterd)

I dont understand how God has to do with tolerance or intolerance

no they cant that is why the buy it from us. 

hopefully what was sarcasm cause jobs are jobs and no one wants to work in low wage factory jobs its not good for the middle class that is why we automate or move jobs out of the country. if it brought back in it’s only the very poor pay factory jobs are left or bloated from the unions and the product is still going

I saw own it and be confident if a man pats your bottom and you dont like it grab his hands and scold him and scorn him so he knows its a NO! does he deserve to lose his job over it or be arrested over it no he does not if he goes around the office grabbing girls behind and cant keep himself professional then yes he

I dont think that comment is totally fair we Men dont converse about relationship with other men like that. If you have a guy friend that on the surface looks nice how are you to know he is a abuser. that’s like not being socked about another girl who goes back to her abuser or a girl that sleeps with a married men or

I love how you can steal and idea from someone that could not even get any of the guess in the car or make it work like Seinfeld could make it work. how much do they think their silly idea is worth without Seinfeld its not work anything its like a time machine with no flux capacitor with out it its jut a car everyone

I doubt she is doping cause if she is her kid would be at very high risk no mother would do that.

The statue was paid for by a private citizen of new york new jersey not by the US government

I don’t want to her this crap its not that complicated. if a man grope you, makes advances towards you, try’s to leverage power or favor for sex please deal with it in whatever fashion that fits the crime. If you go to a club get drunk (no one spiked your drink) and wake up in someones else bed that’s on you. use

This so this. build an engine use it for multiple games(story lines) and tweak it as you go. but don’t rewrite it for every game adding over the top mechanics that only last for 1 game

She is not Ms. she is Mrs. she is legally married women over 25 if she was not married she would be Ms. if she was under 25 she would be Miss. and if we did not know the martial status she would also be Ms. but since we do she is Mrs.

Kim Kardashian and the Kardashian are not white dont let the pale skin complexion fool you. they are not Caucasian. I know us in american dont know whats Caucasian and whats coloured and who is colored

No No No that is now how this works she married a Billionaire and she still has her endorsement if you are a contract worker and you take time off you dont get paid that’s how it works. no work no paid. and as for sports the male version has been around a lot longer so they have more fans the female version are still

you can be belligerent on your property and you can have a gun. if they dont like it they can issue a ticket and let the courts decide it this was not a standoff or every a policeable office this was a mall cop situation or HOA no need for guns to come in to play. we can both have guns holstered and still have a nice

no its okay i will allow it and it was used in the right context. It was a white women calling another white women whose family is horrible calling her out for being a cunt and being horrible so it works in this case.

Her choice i support her and applaud her for that. just cause you want me to does not mean i have to this cause is not life death or even liberty.