
baby touching hair is what they do they grab anything the can get there hands on and its partly okay whats offensive its the mother being so blase and oblivious and not even caring about your feelings on the matter

because they are black there where 3 times more slaves in south american than in north american and they did not die out like the native population so they can call themselves whatever they want but they are black even Eva Longoria (thank you genetic code its all coming out).

IF the president is not going to give you money and he wont casue well there is only so much to go around somethign has to be cut for the tax break for the wealth ohhhh i see the board are all wealth and could care less about the students they just want to get the tax break dont rock the boat... anyhoo there are

nahh its strange in general dont give it the benefit of doubt. be best way to lie and mislead someone is to tell them a truth.

because you keep restating that fact over and over and over over and over and over again and you just did it again by asking me why i keep saying your sating they are the same. so its a feedback loop. or and time paradox or two people wasting there time while the run down the clock till quitting time. and look here is

and we will look upon you with deride

cause it came out limp and made you pay to fix it an then locked a lot of stuff on one system then blocked old stuff if you did not upgrade. they made a killing they can afford to give very user a freaking T-shit with an arrow pointing up that says all night sucker

name your question and I will answer accordingly 

okay you keep saying i keep bringing it up, and i do cause its a very important part of this whole mess we find ourselves in we paint both side as the same and refuse to see once side maybe far far worst. now that is the last i will say about that issue. We have work to do on ourselves and with each other to find

no it was a very big reason the pound sank so it dearly compound the issued 3 folds they might have still sold without the exit but the factories might have stayed, they were already built the pound is strong access to there market even if its only limited numbers would have been good but a bad pound plus tariffs make

the conversation is over they have cut off there ears dont want to listen and will be damn if you force them to listen but swear they are good people beyond all that. anyone that spites your just to spite you is not a very nice person and not worth of civil discourse 

usa usa usa... oh wait.. however I agree with your above statement

but he wins and wins and wins so it matters not if you hate him he still wins

we cant even find common ground that racism is bad in any form from anyone (shakes head). only think you care about it paint both side as being equally guilty and I dont see both side as squeaky clean but they are far from in the same camp what has been shown is that the modern republicans have waged a war against

And if they are who cares we have to get over stupid and start working on smart harping on the fact that there are stupid on both side gets us no where. I dont really care that there are racist on the Dem side dont care cause that is small potatoes compare to voter suppression people still having access to guns they

you went way back i meant someone who is an actually serving member. however i will say this i have know in the south that a lot of the racist politician are actually racist just when the visit certain section of their states and that is the big problem. also a lot of colleges use to be where we shrugged off our

not always as a 10 year vet we are top heavy in it and not enough young talent want to do mind numbing help-desk grunt work. and for the dev’s we dont have the abundant of skilled programming again that will work the mind numbing coding monkey there are more baby boomers than generation X and there are more of gen X

show me one that has said or done what this cabinet has said or done show me

but then no one outside if china will buy it cause you can get an cushy ls 460 or 750

why should you wait and see, do you go to the dealer and thrash they car on a t est drive if the answer is no that how are you ever going to know unless someone thrash the car and most car reviewers are bought and paid for so the world will never know until you buy it and own it and live with it.