
after what his wife is doing and saying and not trashing her every chance he can he can where whatever he wants his a better man than most of us. we all know it

America would do that too, if you don’t have the right paper work they will take you stuff and fine you for it. so nothing new about that. America has a lot of great things but boy oh boy does it have some messed up stuff. again nothing new there.

Thats becuse we the US told them to cause those same people are not looking to work in Mexico but coming here to the US so, we told them to stop it and we would give them aid to help stem central and south american hoard from entering our fare shore. If Mexico stop being our partner and let them through and yes t hey

by voting for a candidate is not running means you did vote for trump so that not good. second you told them they are ful of $!@# then then whatever crap flows down hill on you; you have to take it.

but i though it was them that had the jobs so they have the jobs but still need welfare to live man thats messed up

that means we paid for the all then we pay for it again with the taxes, oh my goodness this is now how this workds

a lot of us here come from farm stock its like outside sales you can work and work and still get no money its just how it goes so you have to learn to cover the gap. but the big problem is Monsanto and government regs and food coops that give money in advance but controls how much you can make due to fees while make

oh the one with parts maid in china oh okya

so we the people should stop sitting quietly and be the noise majority. we cant let or friends neighbors and family members get away with oh give them a chance oh they are all bad so i am going to keep voting for the same people year after year in the same party year after year and then vote in a know liar. we must

I like where you head is at but your thoughts has nothing to do with what Trump is doing. you cant break something without the parts to fix it just cause some people got hurt.

she was not born that way that’s all snip snip snip stretch and tuck way back. 

all that just makes me shake my head and want to slap some people for this garbage. And I am a follower of Christ teachings, and money has nothing to do with it yes you can and will be blessed but if all your focus on is in the money you will not make it.

If you look at where the exchange has failed its in the Red states hmm

what is in your heart will come on in your actions so i will go by what he says and do.

oh spap crackle and pop

What i am here is that there are exceptions to the rules, if you are going to least you should have a very good reason such as my company is paying for it or I want A but am not ready for A so i will take T so I can get A later

there is always a silver lining (good for you)

But what if the shoe was on the other foot a women’s husband had two friends that he would tell everything too and get advice from them and always spent time with them it would put a strain on any relationship. If your single its sorta of kay but when your in a real relationship you have a new bestie the one you

that’s not quite true we do know cause we have the numbers, campaigning is so stupid because i saw you that one time i will vote for you, no i will vote for you cause i think you can do the job on all levels. so the people that voted for him voted for him the ones that vote for her because they did and these

coming in for servicing and we will get you that software patch... ver 0.1.0 patch notes if you want more good in the world you must put more good in. for ever bad thing you hear do some good i will add up and it might not make our day but it will make someone else day and find its way back to us one day.