
Misogyny has plenty of other sources and capitalism has plenty of other problems but you point out a connection that’s quite plausible and not as crazy as some people might think at first. I remember a Straight Dope article about a mythical matriarchy a while back which mentioned Friedrich Engels criticizing

I wouldn’t call something like that an ownership mentality. Caring for and feeling responsible for her is fine as long as you remember she’s her own person. An ownership mentality ignores that and in effect treats her as property whose value is derived from her relationship to you (even though it’s probably

What percentage of the MRA vote will Trump get? 100%? 150%?

That isn’t totally insane. The GOP knows they can do damn near anything and either not get called on it (like Romney’s taxes) or just turn it around into conservatives and white people and Christians (Oh my!) being oppressed. It’s a hell of a racket if you can pull it off.

PUMA bullshit was stupid in 2008 and it’s stupid now (if not worse because of how atrocious Trump is).

Did the GOP hire Leni Riefenstahl to direct the convention?

To clarify, I know that they were technically punished for uniform violations. But the only reason to do that is to pander to people who would have a problem with the women speaking out. No one is going to be mad at the league when the players wear a plain outfit of whatever color but they might be if the outfit

The fact that these women are being punished even though they also included police officers kinda proves that the real problem is with the Black Lives Matter movement itself. Even as cynical as I am this comes as a bit of a surprise; I had thought that most* BLM opponents were mostly objecting about blacks being

I think this is the key phrase, especially the bit about ownership. Why do you have to connect the fair treatment of women to one you personally know? Why is it so hard to say that women deserve equality as people, regardless of how she’s related to some arbitrary male? While this position is much better than misogyny

I can’t watch videos right now but I heard that Cruz wouldn’t endorse Trump and was booed. Is this true? And if so, holy shit! The campaign can’t even make sure that all the speakers at the convention endorse the candidate? I knew things were a clusterfuck but this seems like a common sense thing. (Then again they

I find I enjoy getting hit by cars much more pleasant if I just lie back and let the cogitive dissonance wash over me. If you can ignore the intense pain and broken bones the experience can be enjoyable as you sail in to the air.

Semi-relatedly, this is also a peeve of mine in American football. Right after a play, you have two guys pointing at each other and shouting wanting/not wanting a flag. The worst part is when the ref actually throws one 10 seconds later, obviously persuade by one guy’s eloquence. I always get pissed at after-the-fact

I always find the way that the British butcher the American language appalling.

Fuck Science indeed! My all-time favorite course.

And who can forget all the voter intimidation the New Black Panther Party was responsible for in 2008? It’s a wonder the GOP wins any elections with the huge conspiracy set against them.

The Democrats are the real racists, they did Jim Crow; black people need to get off the Democrat plantation. /Trumpvoter

I think the goal is to try to show that they borrowed (they’d never admit to plagiarism) from an older source that Michelle stole from. That way they get to attack Dems and rile up the base because ‘the media didn’t attack Michelle when she did something way worse.’ Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

It simply isn’t possible that a negro or a broad gets elected fairly, it’s obvious that the Democrats cheat. /Trumpvoter

That is the most hopelessly optimistic thing I’ve ever heard.

That...looks really dirty.