
I think you’re right and that in the real world it isn’t workable. Still, I’m very uncomfortable telling anyone, even if they’ve come to this point making decisions that are harmful, what they can do to themselves especially when the stakes are so high.

I hate Trump with the fury of a thousand suns but... I don’t have a problem with a free-for-all in principle. If informed adults want to destroy their own bodies for whatever reason they should be free to do so. Take football for instance. If you want to play football knowing the risks go for it. You just have to make

Thanks for the warning. I was about to check the account out in hopes they shared my enthusiasm for squirtguns.

Yeah. I think the problem is the ‘Jew banker’ thing colliding with the reality that Jews in most places were just as poor as everyone else. Yay cognitive dissonance!

I’ve never really ‘got’ the Jewish communist thing other than Marx’s ancestry. You’re supposed to be super greedy yet you want to equalize wealth? Keep your bigotted sterotypes straight people!

‘I once droned a Yemeni terrorist in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I’ll never know.’

Communism. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I like those odds!

Woo hoo! Tonight we feast on Krustyburgers!

If only Trump would accept the nomination and pull off the mask and we all see Andy Kaufman standing there.

“Needs more Lannister.”

I’ve got chronic epididymitis and you’re telling me guys are getting off on stuff like that? I need a new fetish.

With bits of brain for punctuation.

No more hacking of players? But now who will they blame when they post stupid offensive shit on Twitter?

Dude. Lay off the criticisms of curling.

I think you’re being very unfair here. Those people don’t exist except in your imagination.

I think it’d be more like Touchim and Rich.

I still can’t believe how awful Penn State and Paterno were with this. This was going on and there were allegations within just a few years after Sandusky was hired and before the program became consistently good (and he was probably doing this stuff virtually from the start). Yet for some reason he wasn’t fired. I

It was really a hologram of Sandusky raping that kid in the showers. And all the Jewish kids got calls telling them not to go to football camp that day.

Maybe you can get around it like with the good ole’ creepy expression “If there’s grass on the field play ball.” “If the ball is on the tail the play is fair.”