It does get around the problem that no one really wants to see your dick pics with having a cute Pokemon instead.
It does get around the problem that no one really wants to see your dick pics with having a cute Pokemon instead.
I’m a total nerd; I knew what Pokemon this would be and what the comment would be from seeing the tip of the spikes. It’s such an obvious genital lookalike (vulvic? labic?) that in the absence of porn I totally believe teenage boys could fap to it. (And it would manage to be a lot less creepy than the rule 34…
I always thought Diglett looked more like a turd but I guess they are kinda dickish.
I saw them in the same shot! She really exists and isn’t just Johnson in drag!
That makes more sense. An occasional ‘Are you blind?’ eventually gets pretty annoying.
Hell, even in the NFL with that many guys you have/had no problem picking up scabs that don’t hurt ratings much. The league only ‘caved’ on the refs a few years ago when the officiating became a joke and even then they didn’t give up very much. Leagues (including UFC for these purposes) have almost no fear of labor…
That gets you ejected? That’s crazy. I would think in any sport moderate whining about officiating is expected and tolerated and I didn’t see/hear Escobar doing anything that would cross the line (not that I doubt the guy is an asshole). Do baseball umps have really thin skin or something?
I know almost nothing about basketball outside of NBA Jam but I love this ad.
The Jigglypuff post is funny enough to make me a convert but calling Clefairy a sodomite seals the deal.
I don’t see any problem with almost any of his outfits. In fact I like some of them. Do I have a clothing problem?
Hard truths.
I like to think that it’s real and that the Mothman has the Shin Megami Tensei look. He’s an adorable little prophet of doom.
This deserves much more love.
“Segregation ended in the 60's is alive and well, but racism and racial bias lives on.”
The worst part of the Zimmerman thing (to me at least) it that the cops told him to stop. ‘Stop stalking this kid, we’ve got a patrol car on the way,’ yet the asshole kept following him and got ‘scared.’ I was honestly a little bit surprised that he completely got away with it. Stand Your Ground laws are a license to…
This comment is a thing of beauty.
Ambien is a helluva drug.
I don’t want to be ‘That Guy,’ but I always find it disturbing how anti-labor the sports media is. You’ve got a bunch of young people who are the best in the world and have finally made it to the professional level. But when they try to leverage their skills to make a living they’re suddenly assholes who should be…
How fucking hard is it to understand that different things are different? As white people we’ve treated black people like shit for 500 years and we’re still doing it. Whites aren’t being treated that way and never have been. Jesse Williams isn’t trying to take anything* from you, he just wants to be treated the same…