Without knowing the specifics of the OP’s situation it’s hard to judge the value. But if he can get an idiot CEO to pay 50k for googling something, more power to him.
Without knowing the specifics of the OP’s situation it’s hard to judge the value. But if he can get an idiot CEO to pay 50k for googling something, more power to him.
Silly UEFA. Anything is a sex toy if you try hard enough.
Out of curiosity, does the damages waiver from buying the ticket apply to something like this? If I had to guess I’d say yes since balls going into the stands are a ‘common and accepted risk’ (last two paragraphs) but there might be a different standard for injury and for property damage.
You might want to be careful. I doubt those things are watertight.
No bg deal. That’s like, what, 50 bucks in real money, right?
Welcome to America. People wanting to be treated better by their employers? The nerve!
Exactly. You need to make a few tweaks to prevent back loading contracts and gaming the system but that would be the basis of a much fairer system.
People are lazy and dumb and details are for chumps.
It’s always so ridiculous that fans take management’s side in these situations because the player makes so much money. Where the hell do you think that money comes from? It isn’t as if owners are living paycheck to paycheck and have to ask for donations to pay the players.
Guaranteed salaries are necessary for fairness reasons* and a cap is necessary for competitive reasons. I don’t want Jerry Jones to buy up the best players in the league just because he’s willing to offer way more money than Jim Irsay. But I also don’t want guys getting screwed over by teams cutting them whenever they…
I like this idea except for lowering the cap. The league makes an insane amount of money and the players are why and should be compensated accordingly. IIRC the current CBA gives the players around 50% of the revenue but I’m pretty sure they’re more than 50% responsible for the league’s success.
John Kenneth Galbraith’s ‘horse and sparrow’ theory: “If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.”
I can’t be the only one who never understood the intense hatred towards Casey Anthony, right? I grokked the interest in the case: attractive (white) woman and cute missing kid. And from the admittedly crappy reports it looked like she probably was involved in the kid’s death. (Although considering the hatred, and the…
I remember seeing strategy papers (by Bill Kristol IIRC) dating from when the Dems last tried for healthcare under Clinton. One of the main points and the one that I almost find funny talks about the urgency of strangling any such program before people start benefiting. You get much the same thing in labor like with…
That’s the saddest damn picture I’ve seen in a long time.
Damn! You’ve figured out your kids’ dastardly plan!
I think it’s more like a calender thing. What we thought was Jan ‘09 was actually Jan ‘01. This neatly accounts for the fact that Bush had no terrorism on his watch and that Bill Clinton and Barack Obama caused 9/11 and the recession respectively. (Hell, Obama’s probably to blame for 9/11 too. I don’t trust that name…
Finally someone shows some love for Ness! Someone who, if I say ‘Fuzzy Pickles’ won’t think I’m talking about dicks! This guy gets it.
So he’s a cheater too. Kryptonite gloves.
Best guess: This is coming from the same sort of mindset that a while back told us to ‘watch what we say’ and encouraged us to name our firstborn George lest we embolden the terrorists. Any criticism of America makes you the enemy too and you have just as much American blood on your hands.