Yes, if only because I could never understand a thing Rocky said while with Ali there’s a good 10yrs before his brain turned to mush.
Yes, if only because I could never understand a thing Rocky said while with Ali there’s a good 10yrs before his brain turned to mush.
Does it make me immature that I giggled at that?
If Ali could’ve stopped being selfish for one second and ignored the fact that the whole war in Vietnam was immoral and stood directly opposed to both his beliefs and his interests, he could have single handedly ended it. Probably could’ve ended the Cold War too. But noooooo. He didn’t want to go die for a country…
I reread the ‘How Grantland Died’ article and saw something that I missed last year:
I can’t stand Simmons and his blathering about his shitty gambling buddies. But I did find out about Bill Barnwell because of him, so he’s not a total waste of space.
Here’s the link. It’s a great read like most of what Haley wrote.
I’m still upset at Deadspin’s use of the word ‘donger’to refer to home runs. When I read dong I want to see dong! Preferably limp and shriveled.
Next the government will be telling us how much feces we’re allowed to have in our water. Overreach! Drown it in a bathtub!
When I first read it I was still at an age where I didn’t think too critically of what an author wrote outside of obvious things (Malcolm X cares about black people, Upton Sinclair cares about the poor and labor, etc.) and so I pretty much took everything at face value. Being older and wiser I know that he was a…
Anyone who knew anything about the man beyond ‘he punched people for a living’ know exactly what they’re doing. Just like calling Barack Obama ‘Barry’ and the long-running ‘Democrat Party’ BS, it’s just a cheap bullying tactic that says “We’re the ones who get to name and define you.” Fortunately the dog whistles are…
Wrong reply ><
I’d probably be a lot more comfortable around people who aren’t calling me ‘boy’ every 5 minutes and are ready to lynch me if I even look in the general direction of a woman.
I think the real question is, “Why do they hate America?”
Unless Nike pretty much replaced every instance of ‘New Balance’ with their own name in their offer, it’s pretty obvious that the contracts aren’t the same. NB is offering Berian $375k with no strings attached* while Nike’s offering the amount with certain restrictions. There’s no way the two offers are the same if…
Considering they saw New Balance’s contract and they didn’t match it... I’m not exactly sure how Nike even has a case either.
I think all this criticism is a bit unfair. Just think about all the times he wasn’t busy raping people. It’s probably fair to say that the guy hasn’t spent the majority of his time on it. 30-40% tops.
Hey now. Just because he tried to ruin a man’s life for petty political reasons* and wasted vast sums of money doesn’t make him a bad guy. Who among us hasn’t done that at one time or another? I know I get mad at consenting adults performing oral sex.
Never forget how they treated John Kerry in 2004. Purple Heart bandaids.
You might want to check your dictionary and pocket copy of the US Constitution. ‘Religious liberty’ doesn’t apply to Muslims (among others).
It’s a very common GOP tactic to pounce on anything (real or imagined or blowing things way out of proportion) liberals do to defend their own actions. It’s similar to a bit from Malcolm X’s autobiography where he talks about how whites take their own faults and misdeeds and project them on black people. Hell, once…