His greatest achievement in life
His greatest achievement in life
It’s important to show that racism is alive and well and that the right wing in the US is still vile.
Don’t worry. I’m quite certain that OK (and pretty much every state) has its own share of vile right-wing racists.
Of all his great quotes, my favorite has always been, “No Vietcong ever called me a nigger.” It’s a perfect and succinct line that sums up racism and militarism all at once.
He’s at the statehouse level but I think most if not all states have 2yr terms for their lower houses.
The defense of the war is the interesting part to me. A racist Republican is old news.
The only surprise in this story (Racist Asshole Demonstrates He’s An Asshole) is that the way he talks about Vietnam comes across as the war being a peachy thing that wasn’t the huge mistake and disaster that most people correctly realize it to be.
You severely underestimate the racists. Besides what others said, Ali never went back to being Cassius Clay. Anyone who knows who Clay was would know who Ali was and what he wished to be called. If he wanted to answer to Cassius Clay he never would’ve changed his name to begin with. Rep Daniel knew exactly what he was…
You’re just a wimp like Barry Obama and the rest of the Democrat party.
I play the game on PS4 so I don’t know for sure, but previous Fallout games have a world-builder called GECK. Most of the video seemed to be stuff that’s relatively simple to do (multiple copies of characters and objects, changing the size of creatures*, building the door place, etc.). The impressive part is how well…
Really? While I like everything, they’re the second best thing on the show for me. The show’s greatest moment, the assault of Morty by a giant bean, will never be topped.
This made me laugh hysterically and brought some much needed levity to the news.
I get my kicks by leaving ass pennies. I’m jealous of Gilbert’s ability to afford using bills.
Oops, wrong post ><
I get my kicks by leaving ass pennies. I’m jealous of Gilbert’s ability to afford using bills.
Kobe Bryant = 113 (The Joe Jellybean Prophecy)
That’s awful. I just hope your friend found someone that, if she says she’s been raped, wouldn’t interpret that as cheating.
I think people never entertain the idea that there is a god but it’s just a huge flaming asshole that delights in suffering. It does fit the facts.
I dunno. The news trickle approach to crisis management seems to be effective much (most?) of the time. Unless the info coming out is truly sensational* most people’s attention spans are short enough that they’ll forget about it. And when the next incriminating leak happens it’s easy to ignore ass old news. Just delay…
That’s unfair. What about all the training the league gives guys to tackle ‘correctly’? And what about all the money the league gave out in the concussion settlement? They’re practically a charity! /s