
All of the players in the NFL want to be the best at their position and most of them work just as hard at doing so, otherwise they wouldn’t make it there. The difference is most players don’t go on and on about what a hard worker they are at every opportunity.

Capitalism can’t fail, it can only be failed. All these whiners should just start their own multi-billion dollar company and see why we need sweatshops.

I suspect that the ghost of Bud Adams did this to get all those damn kids off his lawn.

One of the bigger reasons I hate college football but watch the NFL. (Not that I’m unaware of the risks, but at least even the bench warmers are making some money.. What can I say, I’m a complicated man and no one understands me but my woman. Can you dig it?)

I can’t wait to see what Greggggggg Easterbrook has to say about this. Will he approve or not? The suspense is killing me!

Just make sure you read the contract carefully. With an open bar, you’re just asking for bankruptcy.

I don’t appreciate Deadspin doubting and mocking Sandoval’s shoulder injury. It’s real and it’s serious. How long do you think your shoulder would hold out when your arm has to shovel the hundreds of pounds of food it takes for him to ‘run’ to first base?

Should’ve gone with ‘massive bag of pricks’ but I still giggled.

O-ring no you didn’t.

I dunno. I think when Watt does it he’s a gritty guy.

I bet he quietly works out by himself in a closet and not all ostentatiously like a bunch of glory boys. Verily and all that.

Perhaps you need a Colon cleansing to help you see things that are obstructed.

I think terriblehuman hit on that above and that it really is a class war/control thing. Even if the head of HR isn’t twisting his moustache and laughing at his plot against lower level workers, controlling employees is an implicit goal if only to minimize surprises and better plan for the future.

This x1000. Unless your drug use creates a hazard to the safety of others (pilots and truckers to cite the obvious examples) an employer has no business telling you what you can and cannot do in private. I find it mind boggling that so many people are okay with employers routinely drug testing. The NFL’s

Don’t knock it. It’s one of my few satisfactions in life. ‘You may be happy and successful in life while I live in a van down by the river, but you’re going to be dead someday.’ Unless you’re talking about the magazine, in which case fuck ‘em.

Foster is great. I like Richard Sherman too but Gronk remains the best. He’s a meathead in a positive sense.

I recognized him as a W German chancellor but otherwise didn’t know much about Brandt. Pleasantly surprised at how active he was during the Nazi years.

Why do the facts always have to ruin the joke!

Semi-relatedly, I’d be pretty nervous if I were Poland or Belgium that Germany has kept the same anthem all these years, and such an ominious one at that.