
It’s a factor of the amount of scoring in the sport as well. The NHL has basically the same regular season and postseason setup, but has way more variance in results because there are only ~5 total scores in a game vs 100+, which leads to luck playing a much bigger factor.

This is the argument.
People tend to have an issue with the “help” making too much noise when they’re making as much as they are, forgetting that the people that they are earning money for are making a few orders of magnitude more....

GREAT argument. I hate when people pull the “they play a game for a living” routine. They are the product of a multi-billion dollar business. Having said that, the players get a set percentage of all revenue so if you eliminate the max it may not change lives for the superstars but I promise you the mid-tier guys

Just a technical note. The double dip mentioned here is not the reverse motion that is against the rules in powerlifting. It has nothing to do with bar movement.

Sorry, but it’s actually spelled “Bernstain”.

Nah, only when there’s personal beef is there standoffishness at these things.

Yeah, he seemed to stall for half a tic, but he didn’t reverse and restart the rep. He only pumped his legs the once, and it seems like the rep all the way to lockout was a continuous (but noticeably slowed) progression of the same movement. But I don’t watch strongman or powerlifting competitions, so there could be

Yeah, Jane Doe-Baylor has been a busy woman.

I don’t know the rules, but that last rep seemed legit to me.

I remember the time I came out of college and had to go to Milwaukee to pursue a job in advertising because an agency there had the #4 pick, and I had to sign a 4-year contract with a pre-determined salary, and I wasn’t allowed to move to another agency even though my creative director was dumb as shit.

In any other career you get to *choose which employer you work for*, is the point. You also get to negotiate your salary and accept or reject salary offers, and if you’re ever not happy with your salary or working conditions, you can leave for a different employer. In American sports, you start your career being told

Trump was especially critical of Obama’s sequestration plan.

That’s just because stronger nasal bones aren’t glory boy muscles like bis and tris. What’s a little cancer for the opportunity to never worry about the tough, cement-like air from breaking your nose again?

Id imagine a mace or hammer that dented a helmet would end a fight pretty quickly.

It is a myth that if a plate armored soldier fell, they couldn’t get up. That only happened to old frail dudes that could barely stand in their armor, or if a torrential rainstorm turned a muddy field into a sucking quagmire.

There is no right answer to that question.

Reading these comments I’m amazed by one thing, how passionate y’all are about your opinions on sports talking men. Good work everyone.

Greenberg used to do this thing where he put his lips on the microphone while talking. He would literally rest his top lip, kind of off to the side, on the top of the microphone. It was freaking disgusting and super annoying. Based 100% on repeatedly seeing him do that, I have always liked Golic better. Now they are

Mike Golic puts Tabasco sauce on pizza.

Golic emits vocal flatulence and Greenberg is basically a sentient Santino power walk. You don’t have to like either.