this will blow your mind
Reminds me of the time Lester Freamon was disgusted that his co-workers didn’t learn a thirty-inch quick time.
people are accepting Cersei as Queen despite her not even having any blood claim to the throne
Go ask 10 random people to palm a men’s basketball.
Even among people who can dunk at some point in their lives, it’s usually only for a small window of time. Someone who could dunk and homer at 18 probably won’t be dunking at 28, but if they stay in good shape they could keep hitting dingers for another decade or more.
And, shit, while I’m complaining about how rushed and ridiculous that last episode was: Jon nonchalantly tosses off about how Bran sees the army of the dead marching on Eastwatch. Parse that for a second. Bran, the brother Jon has thought has been dead for years now who has finally returned home. Jon has no interest…
The intent to distribute to ... HIS LUNGS
Taking light jabs at Alabama, Clemson, and sociology majors won’t earn Rosen any friends
I maintain that the concept of a “team doctor” presents an immediate conflict of interest, one that sacrifices a player’s long term health for the short-term benefit of the team, who can toss aside the player (on a non-guaranteed contract, no less) as soon as he becomes replaceable
That’s not a real accurate statistic to use in this context. It includes kids that died in their crib, at age 5, 10, 15, etc. We’re talking about how football has effected his life. What’s the life expectancy of a world class 20 year old athlete who doesn’t spend his 20s and 30s playing professional football? What…
Most important takeaway: Larry Brown, forever an asshole.
...and in Pale Fire he even ripped off John Shade’s poem!
Con artist.
You could flip that to say Kevin Love, if he was allowed to play a similar role to what he did in Minn, would still be a top 5 player. Now they might have gone backwards in Cleveland with that approach, but that’s the nature of square pegs and round holes.
This is a fundamental weakness though - we’re talking about using regular season stats to predict playoff success here, and while I can see ways to filter out the “noise” of a team pounding some lottery-bound mess I don’t see how you correct for a guy that treats a Tuesday night game in November like game 7 when…
No one behind these analytic techniques claims that they’ve reached the end-game here. They’re constantly evolving new a better ways to evaluate players. For now, these are the best metrics we have, and they have obvious weaknesses!
People’s article quotes a dietician/nutritionist who previously stated, “The best types of detoxes...