
From the article: 1) Prioritize full Squats until relative strength is developed. Athletes in this study could squat at least 1.5 x their body weight. Younger, weaker athletes probably benefit more from full Squats as they produce greater hypertrophy (muscle size) and strength across all joint angles compared to

Wow, that one passage sure opens up a lot of doors into his psyche. And at that age any “venture” I was fortunate to experience was met with unbridled enthusiasm.

Jews had a long-established & tested group identity & uncompromising/non-compatible religious tradition, tho. So many of the iron age peoples Rome met in the provinces were still at Clan Longtime-residents-of-this-valley stage & open to aggregating. Local spirits & polytheism? Just change the name of yer thunder

The world would be a funnier place if more people stole jokes from Charles Pierce.

Pro wrestlers want to be booked on pay per views. Without Shaq I don’t know that Big Show has anything to do.

Big show has kind of made a career of working with non-wrestlers. He has had matches with Floyd Mayweather, where he took a punch with brass knuckles. To having an actual sumo match with akebono (yes it was as scary as the mental image in your head). This is pretty much his final wrestle mania and he wants to go

The matches get tailored to what the celebrity in them is capable of doing. When Lawrence Taylor main evented Wrestlemania (!), it was a very physical match and Taylor was throwing tackles, slams, jumping off the top rope, etc. because he was a very talented athlete who was either still active in the NFL or had just

I’m pretty sure that, if Google’s Deep Dream used words instead of images, it would spit out things like this.

I mean, UFC fighters, wrestlers at all levels (real wrestling), boxers, etc all cut a ton of weight right before weigh ins, and 95% of it is just water. 5 lbs of water weight isn’t exactly insane.

Debut Album tracklist:

Rivers Romo needs to grow up and start a band called “Geezer”

“It’s all ridiculous. Let’s call it what it is. I’ve thought about this long and hard and I’ve waited to say this. If it’s all about money and money grabbing, the players need to get paid.”

I think this is something that always struck me as odd about the US - there’s a streak of patriotism (if you can call it that) that will allow no criticism of the armed forces and soldiers and sometimes the President, while simultaneously and without any trace of self awareness declare the United States the freest

As a vet myself this is something everyone needs to understand: sometimes American Soldiers die for no good reason. They die in accidents, in blue-on-blue attacks, from improper medical care, in stupid wars, in badly planned missions. It happens. “Soldiers have died” is not a reason to keep fighting in and of itself.

Chris Cilizza is consistently and dangerously moronic. But “Donald Trump understood the applause for Carryn Owens was a moment. And he let it be.” is simply wrong.

Did you know that the subtitle of the work you reference was originally “The Chris Kluwe Story”?

I was the shadow of the waxwing slain...