
On the field he was a really great player who played a key role in his teams winning 3 World Series and reaching one more. He is a solid Hall of Fame candidate, although I don’t know if he’ll get in. I’m a Red Sox fan, he was a huge reason why they won in 2004 and 2007.

Donald Trump was accused by the Justice Department in the 1970's of refusing to rent apartments in his developments to black people.

No this is the absolute wrong take away. You need to change the Democratic Party from within the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders’s success as a socialist is an absolute outlier. When it came time for him to be serious about running he had to join the Democratic Party because the only way to win the majority of the

Also, if you really want to move this country left you need to realize that PREDISDENTS DONT MAKE ANYTHING CLOSE TO A MAJORITY OF POLICY DECISIONS IN OUR GOVERNMENT. Its not just that we elect a president and we get everything we want. If you’ve paid any attention to politics for the last 8 years you should know that

+1000000 to everything you just said, and then add this: show up for the damn midterm Congressional elections.

It’s really important for liberals to vote in state and local elections. It’s very difficult for Congress and the President to push a liberal agenda when state and local governments fight at every turn. The feds only have so much influence!

Fellow Democrats: if you want more liberal-leaning people at the top of the ticket, you need to vote more liberal people in down the ticket. That means showing up for primaries, that means actually knowing people’s policy positions, that means writing to your representatives about issues, that means grass-roots

You’re surprised trump was trying to impress a filthy rich douchebag from a major american political family?

The real Skip Bayless is locked in a cell several hundred feet underground. There, his cruel captors siphon hot takes from his shattered mind 24 hours a day. Bayless huddles in the corner of his cell, naked but for a rough sackcloth and short length of hempen rope that he uses as a belt because it isn’t long enough to

Title NEIN

Even if Clinton hadn’t been court appointed:

You know what Albert King said about NBC daytime programming, if it wasn’t for hair salons, they wouldn’t have no audience at all.

Yes! That bit was really refreshing to me; ‘politician is honest about own upbringing and potential impact on her own perspectives, doesn’t spin some bullshit line about being ‘in touch’ with people at the bottom.’ Made me like her more.

She is actually conscious of the fact that she will never fully get what it’s like being poor in America. Unlike the “blue collar billionaire” she’s running against.

And I’m hoping that whatever the shortfalls or the glitches have been, which in a big piece of legislation you’re going to have, those will be remedied and we can really take a hard look at what’s succeeding, fix what isn’t, and keep moving forward to get to affordable universal healthcare coverage like you have here

Ehh, I think Bill would have gotten annoyed with Trump being creepy and scaring off some of the women.

Yeah there’s like... nothing scandalous here at all. This is the most milquetoast of all Hillary ‘scandals’ so far. She talks like she talks regularly, is pretty frank overall, and essentially says that the best way for them to fix the broken Wall Street is to start reforming themselves internally... which seems to me

The really fucked up thing here is how, behind closed doors, Hillary Clinton talks exactly like… Hillary Clinton.

Ford. A car company. Is called out (lied about) by a presidential candidate. There was a meeting between the two. That’s car news to me. Especially since it helped confirm the Bronco and Ranger in America.

She is worth $30M and Bill is worth $80M. They each got paid between $200k up and over $1M per TV appearance or speech they gave (over the last 16 years for Bill) and have both had multiple extremely successful books. You can see all of their tax returns going back for a couple decades at least so how about you look