He’s going to sue a Chinese company for stealing his idea? That’s hilarious. Sounds like a great way to be even more bitter and lose a nice chunk of money as it goes nowhere
He’s going to sue a Chinese company for stealing his idea? That’s hilarious. Sounds like a great way to be even more bitter and lose a nice chunk of money as it goes nowhere
Big military powers are always testing the limits. Sending planes into foreign airspace to test the speed of the response, and how the “enemy” react to it and are expelled. The URSS and USA played that game, China and Japan. Russia and Finland.
Lol this would be the most Ubisoft thing to do. Put me in the “accidentally leaked” camp.
A reality competition producer is a terrible person. Who’d have thunk it?
It’s still baffling to me that calling out a government for its mass killing of civilians—which include scores of women and children— is somehow seen as controversial and offensive. You know who called out Israel’s government before Oct. 7? Israelis. Protesting their radical right wing government’s attempts to…
“My favourite kid’s book? ‘Animal Farm’, no question. Those funny little talking animals, coming together, solving problems with the power of friendship, it gets me every time.”
How far away are we from just privatizing all social services and converting them into competitions to win debt-clearing amounts of money anyway?
She wasn’t fired “over comments about Israel” as the headline states, and framing it this way makes it seem like she went off and said something crazy anti-Semitic.
I can’t help but feel this is the dumbest story I’ve read about all week.
I guess Hogwarts Legacy was a game of the year 2023, in the sense that it came out in 2023 and is a game. If you listed all of the 2023 video games in order of quality, it would appear somewhere on the list (but absolutely nowhere near the top.)
Its not just video games - but why is it these CEO clearly screw up and make a mess of things yet remain employed? This sounds like string of bad management decisions. C-suite should pay the price. And not with a golden parachute - they should get the same severance any other employee gets. It amazes me with the focus…
I fucking hate “reaction videos,” and have since their inception. Doing this for a war video adds a whole new layer of pathetic narcissism for clicks and attention.
Every time I hear about a Twitch streamer it’s because they’re a piece of shit. Stop giving them free publicity by writing about them.
911 From the Other Side
Text from the Deep
My sophomore year of college I moved out of an awkward rooming situation and was set up in a temporary “emergency single” that the university kept open. After the ordeal I had with my former roommates, I was excited to have a room all to myself.
About 25 years ago I worked for a couple of years in a very old office building located in the center of a large city in Texas. Built in 1907, the original part of the building was a former home for confederate women (widows of confederate soldiers). After all the widows died and the building sat empty for several…
Right?! Thank you!! 😂
Can we talk about how your boyfriend just ran and left you behind?
I went to a boarding school when I was a teenager, at a very small, liberal prep school in the Berkshire mountains of Massachusetts. It was located on the ancestral estate of an old rich family, and most of the buildings and grounds we used were originally made in the 1800s. Some of the teachers had lived there for…