My mouth fell open and all I could do was blink in disbelief when I read that headline.
My mouth fell open and all I could do was blink in disbelief when I read that headline.
I am pretty close with my sister, but she turns into a control freak who treats me like an infant who can’t make my own decisions. I’m in my fifties and own a condo and a business so I think I can take care of myself. I would murder her in days if I had to live with her.
Real Housewife married to the star attorney from the Erin Brockavich case, whose now undergoing bankruptcy and possible criminal charges as it turns out he’s been defrauding many of his clients and keeping their court winnings for himself for years.
It’s insane that politicians no longer even pretend that they’re not in the pockets of the rich anymore.
A lot of people have cancelled their accounts, but you still have access till the end of the billing period.
With all the hacking of games and publishers by pissed-off players going on right now, this seems like really bad decision-making.
I still enjoy WoW and wish I had more time for FFXIV, which I also love to play, but I’m in a raid guild in WoW at the moment and that has priority for me. I am a bit worried about all the toxic WoW players heading over to a game with a completely different atmosphere and player culture. I’m also skeptical that many…
OK, guys, how do we convince QAnon that Trump is a satanist pedophile? THINK!
And reddit.
Having grown up in Ohio, where football is king, I’ve almost never met a middle school or high school coach who wasn’t involved in or even the ringleader of the bullying of kids. This story is sadly completely unsurprising.
Yeah, I think they blew all their star power in the first three seasons. I was glad Trixie won, but there were so many good queens at the top in that season that I would have been happy with anyone in the top 4.
After Bethesda’s last couple of fiascos, though, I’m going to wait till after launch first.
All Stars 5 was also pretty bad, though I do like Shea. It seems like they’re having to scrape the bottom of the barrel in recent years.
I think the grossest part of this was how they did a photo-op with the dog before killing him (plus the guy’s creepy/odd excitement when he was talking about Old Yeller). I’m starting to think most influencers are soulless psychopaths, but these two take the cake.
It’s usually really terrible, damaged people who say that, too. Like, THEY really shouldn’t have been hit as a child.
Germany, of course, has these little tools that poke holes in your eggs for you called Eilocher (literally “egg punch”).
What a horrible piece of shit this guy is.
There are already rumors of others, I hope more come forward.
This plus the blood clot thing has me convinced that they didn’t test the vaccines on a single woman.
I watched up to the end of the first episode in the last season. When Tara died, I just said, “NOPE,” and turned it off forever.