
I honestly think it should fall under fair use.  They're not making money from playing music, they're making money from playing games. The legal system is screwed though. 

Playerunknown created the Arma mod.

Is pretending not to know the identity of an “interntet-famous” person some new meme I’m not aware of yet? I think I’m ready to just to admit that I’m old and I’ll never be “in” on stuff anymore.

What a toxic mindset. Why do people insist on setting the bar for racism so low? Do blacks really need to be treated like oversensitive children? I don’t think so precisely because I’m not a racist. If you go to a party and you’re offered beer instead of wine do you immediately think the host is offering it to you

It’s actually cotton harvesting season. And fried chicken and the like are actually southern staples. This is only racist if you REALLY want it to be racist.

I like how terms like “brogressive” aren’t considered sexist by people who complain most about equality.

Purity was an issue when wr had an option between two liberal candidates in a primary. I’m a proud Bernie voting white male that happily voted for Hillary in the general... Because I’m an adult and a liberal. Democrats in this state would be wise to vote for the pro-life Democrat over the Republican. But ideologues

“meant to”?

You’re protecting your kids from their own body parts? Way to go.