
I guess they're parasitic in nature because they can't survive outside their hosts? Wait, I think this metaphor is falling apart.

My boss literally tells the social media person to "create a meme".

Witnessed many aesthetically-pleasing ones, have you?

When did "meme" morph into a synonym for "inside joke"?

Mason, Carter, Reagan, Jackson, Parker, Jordan, Carson, Cooper, Lincoln, Bentley…

I'm naming my next kid Yuuuup.

Not to mention, American independence was, at its very core, about anti-colonialism.

Seriously, fuck this guy for manipulating the results of "America" to point to his shitty film.

"Google, clearly bowing to the will of the people, have now made D’Souza’s movie (both its official and IMDB pages) the top two results for “America,” popping up before even the actual America."

Blaming the lamestream media and the Silicon Valley liberals is how these guys do viral marketing.

You wrote this one, right?

If you Google "'Murica", though, it goes straight to his fan page.

Man, do I ever hate America.

Funny thing is, he's always looked like that (or at least, since 1999).


"effectively admitting the racist and reactionary motives behind the resurgence of the right-wing fringe"

Speaking of jars, anyone else find it jarring how quickly this turned from a thing about a terrible documentary and the politics thereof to an oddly specific and bitter disagreement about a musician(?)

In what sense is this a "documentary"? In the sense that it documents the deeply-held suspicions and platitudes of Dinesh D'Souza?

I recognize all these words, and yet, I still have no idea what this means.

You seem to be operating under the delusion that your worldview will somehow gain ground if this film is not successfully "refuted".