
I don’t think finding joy in the imagined death of a horrible, racist, sexist, genuinely mean person who goes out of his way to hurt other people’s lives, makes me an asshole. But if it does... I’m ok with being that type of asshole.

He’s fantastic as long as you stay FAR away from politics. Stick to weather, the goddamn Tigers,Bills,Giants,Syracuse and oddly BYU. That and what my bonehead brother is doing are all solid topics.

Lest we forget Steve McNair being co-MVP with Manning in 2003, no less!

I mean, McNabb didn’t get drafted because he was black, and he did deserve to be a starter in the NFL, but he was also very much overrated. But it was because he was on a good team. Like how Troy Aikman was overrated.

Just briefly reading the headline made me think he had died... and it made my day just a little brighter. Sadly, that was not the case.

The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. (said in 2003!)

At the most elemental level, this was wrong; McNabb played poorly over the first two weeks of 2003, but turned it around sufficiently to lead the Eagles to 12 wins and the NFC Championship game.

This pains me to read. Luckily, Rush can help me out with that.

This twatwaffle makes $3.5 million a year on the pubic payroll. I’m sure he has all sorts of misgivings about Oklahoma’s ability to provide care for its veterans when he’s cashing that check.

This is another one of the dumb arguments that I’ve heard from people when discussing problems in our country. “If you don’t like it, go enlist or pick up a gun.” There are people who actually think you don’t get to have an opinion if you don’t serve, which to me is ridiculous. Everyone cannot be a soldier or in the

The constitution doesn’t apply to brown people. I don’t know how often real Americans need to explain this simple truth until libruls get it.

Seriously, Tom, can you guys please fucking focus on what really matters: did he stand respectfully during the pledge of allegiance or not?

She really could have used a pile of guns to cushion her fall.

The best part of this anthem issue is how it’s revealed some of the weird ideas Americans have been sold by various interests about patriotism and national symbols.

Tony has no room to talk after all the slurs he’s directed at police officers.

The OSU editorial staff must not understand the concept of BUTTHURT. Must be a graduate school thing.

It really is a shame that there are some people so selfish they’d risk their livelihood to raise moral questions about the plight of others’ lives that distracts me from enjoying my football game in ignorant peace!!!

“I agree with Trent’s position on this and I spent the better part of 40 years not letting something as horrible as child rape interfere with my responsibilities to my football team.”