
So when the new vaccine drops that is supposed to provide protection, will it be manadated that everyone has to have it or will the Jenny McCarthy’s of this world insist that their kid might get rickets or something if given the vaccine and decline to be vaccinated.

When you put facts out on the table it’s really easy to see and process the reality of that statement. I cannot even fathom living, in any city in America, on 40k per year. Why aren’t these facts being regurgitated on an hourly or minute by minute basis by these candidates??? That’s how you get middle America’s

This is really weird. The first thing blizzard related I have been excited about in over a year and its something from their past not made by them directly

In other news, giant tax-subsidized alcoholic theme parks are popping up in cities nationwide, with lots of easy parking.

I've slept on the first dlc. Did they expand on the story at all with them?

“Iowa Mean” is deciding for the rest of the country that 80% of announced candidates will be irrelevant after 100,000 white septuagenarians make their choices known. 


Why do you keep dividing us further!? BOTH SIDES!!! (I hope obvious /s)

This is Matt Wolking, folks:

I wouldn’t rule out foul play.

Notice how the troll tries to change the topic to whatever distractive BS they read on Fox News?

Nah man, I’m pretty fucking far from okay. Because, you see, this was an act pretty clearly designed to provoke a war. And war means absolutely horrific things. It means the deaths of hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of American and Iranian soldiers. It means the deaths of hundreds of thousands (possibly

Rudy! RUDY! RU-DY!!
Watching Rudy lawyer that trial would be some good goddamn hilarious pay-per-view. Please buddy him up with Matt “DUI” Gaetz for a legal dream team.

accused war criminal Eddie Gallagher

Look, I understand your concerns. Given the fact that Trump won the electoral college in the first place was so against conventional wisdom; that it’s understandable to expect the worst.

I predict that Galli will get fired within days and CT will withdraw the editorial. This is a crowd that does not tolerate being told things like this:

So, here’s what’s going to happen next.

Never forget.

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the word you are looking for is “Backpfeifengesicht."