
Republicans: willing to implement with nonsensical and expensive legislation based on things they made up in a cheese dream, but require live personal testimony from Jesus himself to accept that climate change, photosynthesis, and gravity exist.

Informer, you no say “Daddy, me Stone, me I’ll go blame

As you know, I had to end my life

“Roger, just get a loan.” —Wilbur Ross

You are a braver woman than I, Gunga Din.

It’s weird how easily Republicans go from “Lincoln was a Republican!” to honouring the men who declared war against him.

You two weeks ago about the Root...

Given that the speech isn’t until 9:00, the odds of him going full on sundowning and declaring war on Germany for bombing Pearl Harbor, isn’t totally out of the question.

Yep. I just adore the hate she gets from the right. It’s the Streisand Effect, through an amplifier. Mark my words: if she has any legislative success, the GOP will turn her into a bigger bogeyman than Obama or Hillary ever were. She is their antichrist just by her existence.

OUTRAGED by politicians who use offensive language and terms that aren’t politically correct” - says a bunch of disingenuous asshole motherfuckers who celebrate the mob boss they elevated for plain speaking and his locker room talk. They can suck two dicks.

You had him at “fun.”

Other tomato account created this AM.

That header looks like a guy in a local tv ad who can’t beleive how low these mattress prices are.

What does Kellyanne Conway honestly do at these meetings? I know she’s a lapdog for the president on news interviews, but what kind of policy experience does she bring, that would allow her to sit in on these meetings?

a grown man playing a baby in soiled underwear caged at border detention.

“The Problem Is Cops (DON’T POST)”

Let me see if I get this straight. You don’t know this guy. He doesn’t know you. Since you’re a fan, whatever hits he ever had you already own. Still you find it terribly hard to stop supporting him even though it helps him continue to rape with impunity. Don’t hide behind words like love, this is about being as

Critic Jamilah Lemieux at one point wonders if “I Believe I Can Fly,” the hit from the 1996 children’s film Space Jam, redeemed Kelly in the eyes of the public because he was making children’s media. And when Lisa Van Allen then talks about having sex as a teenager with Kelly in his gym, which was plastered with

I expected Ghosts & Goblins and Battletoads. :P

Puppy! NOOO!