It's Medicinal, but Not for AIDS

This is like the letdown of finally having a new episode of your favorite show come on, and it turns out just to be a flashback episode. God damned clip shows.

At my previous job, the GM came and held a meeting with myself and the other managers and told us how we needed to do a better job at “controlling labor.” I took that to mean what it should mean: schedule staff and send people home according to business levels.

They're the unsung heroes of Gawker media for sure

But it's even labeled "State Tax:" and "Local Tax:"!

On the other hand, I would definitely forego a lifelong dietary commitment for a good crawfish boil. I mean, they could go and just eat the potatoes/corn/garlic, etc....

In regard to the drunken sales tax lady, I’ve also been yelled at and threatened to have the cops called on me for trying to “rob my customers” when I was managing a restaurant. The source of the problem being that the POS system we used separated State Sales Tax and Local Sales Tax into two different lines, which led

Is this a satire article that's completely going over my head, or are you legitimately saying that a little time-out chair is sexist? Because holy crap, you're really reaching if so.

If Jet Li couldn’t be protected by diplomatic immunity, what makes this guy think he can?

This sets a bad example for children. Now, every kid who wants to get out of Little League is going to be posting Muslim = Nazi memes.