
And some of those kids may have had no problem going but told their parents they didn’t, because some douche-bag bully is paying close attention to who goes to the ‘weird girl’s’ party.

What the shit???? When I was a kid, my parents made me go to several classmates’ parties that I didn’t want to go to. They also made me invite people I didn’t want to invite to my parties because they didn’t want kids left out. I strongly believe this taught me a valuable lesson about including people and doing the

1) People are the fucking worst

I am the exception, then — a Boomer who followed a lot of early-Twentieth century music, from Ragtime to Big Band.

It is the portrait of a man I do not know.

someday, everyone will just know that when a pregnant woman says now, they mean right fucking now

I always have a chuckle at people who passive aggressively take to social media to tell others they need to have more class.

When men wear those oversized tank tops where the arm hole goes super low and shows their sides. Especially the homemade from giant t-shirt kind. Pasty side ribcage is not for me.

Don Lemon: Why didn't you bite his penis?

Remember ladies, there's only one right way to be a victim of sexual assault!