
I still cry over Han Solo and I’m a 33 year old adult woman.

I still have hope though. That’s really all we can have.

She has been my hero since the age of 14. Please don’t leave us now, Carrie.

Dude, no. There are people with legitimate concerns about the future of America, let alone their safety and security, and these concerns are directly related to having this successful con-man elected. And yes, he is a con-man; he cons people into thinking he’s a successful businessman, he cons people into thinking

Welp. Here we go. Time to find out if our democracy is really as resistant to demagoguery as we all believed.

Speak for yourself. These people voted for Trump because, at the very least, they were willing to ignore rhetoric about stomping all over the Constitutional liberties of Muslims and hateful rhetoric about Latinos, immigrants, black people, women, and the list goes on and on.

I’m not a violent person. Never been in a fist-fight my entire 32 years on this earth; never thrown a punch, probably couldn’t to save my life. But god help me when I hear people so proud to be ignorant cheer for him, it makes me want to start swinging at walls until my hands turn to dust.

I started watching it and my husband walked by and said “why are you doing this to yourself? You’re going to have a rage stroke before he’s even inaugurated” I replied that I felt that I had to watch as some kind of penitence for not working hard enough here in Florida to help to defeat him (not really, but I’m afraid

When Obama signed the auto bailout Republicans treated it like a Communist revolution.

In a word - violence.

So I was supposed to go to the Rifftrax Holiday broadcast today. But the theater I always go to was, with no explanation, not showing it. So I took the day off work and was denied even the tiniest scrap of comfort or joy, in a personal teeth kick from 2016.

God, this season of America is such shit.

Please, please, please, let the Trump-Pence administration’s first full scale scandal... be the contents of leaked emails.

Breitbart in the White House. Jesus fucking Christ.

Jesus, he isn’t even in the chair yet and he is already threatening people.