Honestly this rack is nothing new. It’s just like the FrontRunner rack I have on my truck. It’s also configurable using extrusions and has channels in every slat that you can add various accessories to (they have a lot just google FrontRunner Outfitters)
I also got pretty excited about this. It’s what I’ve been waiting for in a rack.
Good to know, as my next vehicle will need a roof rack to act as a photography platform. Sometimes you need that higher perspective.
It’s equally impressive that there’s still a fourth gen Sable that moves under its own power.
Possession is nine tenths the law
It might be this one.
The early Renaults like the 1900 model you show used a thermosiphonic cooling system; there’s no water pump. Instead, the temperature difference between the hot water in the block and the cold water in the exposed radiator creates enough circulation by convection to transfer the heat.
Yea, but at least its an older model fusion plant, not that new fangled fission stuff... don’t build them like they used too.
Your fancy solar power DOES come from a nuclear power plant.