
For anyone counting, this one IS a first amendment issue, what with the sheriff and that prosecutor saying they will try to bring charges. That is the government trying to suppress free speech (as opposed to twitter removing a checkmark, which is not). Now lets see those self styled libertarians on the alt!right

Yup. In the same way you have a higher risk of rat infestations when your neighbours are filthy hoarders, it’s hard to keep your house in order when dysfunction reigns next door.

We have much stricter gun laws, but it’s still difficult to completely prevent the huge number of unregulated guns in the US from making their way across the border. And most of us live pretty close to the border. My local police say that pretty much all of the gun violence that happens in my city is with guns

We do. Unfortunately some illegal weapons sneak across the border. I suspect that’s the case here as it does not sound like the shooter(s) used hunting rifles.

We do have stronger hate speech laws, and I’m glad for them because I’m sick of this asshole opinion I see so much of online that words are somehow incapable of causing harm. They can totally cause harm.

You can believe and say whatever the fuck you want in private, here, that’s your right. Public incitement of hatred

My heart is well and truly broken. Tomorrow my children and I and some friends will be meeting outside our local mosque with messages of love. I encourage others to do the same. Build bridges, not walls.

Sadly, the rhetoric is escalating to violence alot faster than most of us feared.

I really truly want to ask the Sanders, Stein, Johnson, all-around anti-Hillary voters if it was worth it. Like, standing there waiting in line to vote ( or just sitting at home) knowing there was a very strong possibility that American democracy would be dismantled, did they ever consider just sucking it up and

So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for

My husband and daughter in DC today; we drove up from Florida!

I was there in DC and everyone was so full of energy and action. Not naive hope, but belief in ourselves and our power. We will be back again. My favorites were the young people with “future voter” and “this is what a feminist looks like” by preteen and teen boys and girls alike. We will resist.

That “respect authority” bit is ready for another look, too. This “tradition for tradition’s sake alone” Stockholm syndrome shit has to go- especially in this “unpresidented” era.

but as they handily pointed out on Twitter, the Girl Scouts of the USA are a non-partisan, non-political organization

It’s a quote from the Bible: “Blessed be the glassmakers for your eyes are fucked after reading this.”

The mental image of your “panniers” has me chuckling! That sort of thing is exactly why I stay in big cities.... because you can pull shit like that and nobody bats an eyelash. You could’ve sailed the SS Menstruation down the street on roller-skates while wearing strobe-light antennae and your best inflatable purple

I should add that I’m a gay man and had never previously bought tampons, so the Director wrote out very specific directions. I would buy eight boxes and the cashier would use packing tape to tape up two bundles of four and create a little handle. As I sailed down the streets of lower Manhattan like the S. S.

Large labia are shameful??? We already have nothing going on down there and people want more nothing?

Yes, most women (and any sex book worth the paper it's printed on) will tell you that circumference is usually more important than length, and that the vagina is most sensitive in the first few inches. This isn't a new thing. I'm glad that we finally have 3D images and science to understand why these things are as

Soooo ... this would lend credence to the popular saying "size matters", right? I imagine a larger (circumference-wise) penis would help. The more engorged the internal portion of clitoris becomes, the more pressure exerted against it during repeated penetration, yes?

Good morning. And welcome to the patriarchy!