
I love how, in the credits, they photoshopped Natasia Demetriou’s face on Henri Regnault’s painting of Salome. Every time I go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I like to view that painting. The model looks very much like my dear Aunt when she was young (RIP).

Hearing Matt Berry say “fucking” is like opening a Christmas present.

“Siri, call 911"

“What is it that’s puckering and sucking at the back of my head?”

You always fall for the idea of a person. It's impossible to know the truth of anyone else, online or off. See anyone who has been blindsided by a cheating partner.

Waifoods and Husbentos.

I saw art for “Black Tea” a while ago and thought the design was cool but, I’m just not down with gacha games.

She was born before 1997, but it’s not so much a wacky coincidence as Sigurros is an actual Icelandic name and she is Icelandic herself. It’s also a very fun name to say.

Now playing

This basically, but especially the “clustercuss” line reading.

Crookshanks is actually a pretty perceptive and heroic cat.  Mrs. Norris is just helping her owner track down the many misbehaving students of Hogwarts so I think she is just misunderstood.  

Inside Llewyn Davis” would have been a perfect addition to this analysis. The cat’s name, we find out near the end, is Ulysses, the romanized version of the original Greek Odysseus. Llewyn went on his own journey, traveled to the Gate of Horn theater in Chicago, an historic folk theater that’s also named after the

How about O’Malley, whose cinematic lesson was that everybody wants to be a cat.

I never understood why Banjo is a bear with a shaved chest, hands and feet. It’s like how Crash Bandicoot has an oddly fleshy mouth with fur everywhere else.

Plus, how cool is it that song she sings is to the tune of the original "The Moon" theme from DuckTales on NES? So very awesome! 

One day, we’ll find a silver bullet. I lost my dad to lung cancer, work with a guy fighting a rare form of cancer and worked with someone who himself passed away from pancreatic cancer. I wish you all the best in your own fight.

What is “really fucking depressing”?

Sadly, I think this is a great route for female gamers to go who get harassed online.

Marriage used to serve a much different purpose even within Christianity not that long ago. It was much more a property transaction. They do things every day counter to the doctrines of Christianity and yet that is the sticking point, half of them being divorced anyway.

“inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, “We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage””

taking the hurt to some nazis? sign me up