
Anonymity. Penny Arcade expressed it perfectly.

I know it’s a lofty goal, but if they can make players more accountable for their in-game social behavior, then maybe some progress could be made. I know how hard that would be to implement, but it is one of the big reasons I rarely use voice chat. 

It is broadly true that “haters” are an inescapable part of any public-facing position; no matter what you do, no matter how much good you do, or no matter how fundamentally disconnected you are from a perceived problem/irritant, there will always be a vocal minority of dickheads who will feel the need to shit in your

Any game that tries to make itself about esports turns toxic really fast.

This is not nearly on the same level, but United also recently denied me coverage for a medication I need to take on a regular basis that my doctor had prescribed me. I haven’t tried to appeal their decision yet, which I’m sure will be a delightful process.

How sad is it that my reaction to this was “Yeah, that sounds about right for United Healthcare.” It is like pulling teeth to get them to pay for anything. I had to get several MRIs a few years ago and I had to get put in the hospital for a week just to get a 20-minute test.

English is not their first language, and this is a common error. The vast majority of dates get the 'th,' and the exceptions are not intuitive to non-native speakers.

Your pieces always give me something to think about and I agree that it’s important to both:

Gita, thank you. I can’t say I always see eye to eye with staff writers, but I can wholeheartedly say that Kotaku is a better place for having you here and that your efforts make a difference, each and every day. Your perspectives matter and it makes all of us a little smarter, more empathetic, and wiser each read. Tha

Yes! I need to make sure I have them all downloaded as well. Knowing me, I’ll end up starting to play Earthbound again, which is fine. (I haven’t touched it since the Switch released, which is a long period of time for me not to play it.)

I really enjoyed both of them as well, though I think Mary Poppins Returns is much better than Bohemian Rhapsody overall. Is it because I’m gay and love anything with singing and dancing? Maybe!

That’s the plan! Every Saturday I hope to have a new entry in “Here’s Another Pokemon!” 

Bohemian Rhapsody is a super interesting movie because it seems to polarize the audience, between Queen fans who feel the movie betrayed the band’s story - and people like me, who aren’t very familiar with Queen or how Freddie Mercury acted in real life.

I enjoyed MPR as well, which surprised me. I only saw it because Emily Blunt is in it. A happy uplifting movie which leaves you feeling good when you leave the theater (the same was La La Land did).

I saw the movie in Hollywood with a big gay crowd. It totally took on a different energy and life and made it even more fun than it was. I could see this thing being like a Rocky Horror style midnight movie in the future. 

I loved Mary Poppins Returns. Not necessarily where I think it should be scooping up Oscars, but it was delightful.

Its the end of an Era. The man has done so much for Nintendo both business wise and PR wise.

I think a lot of people don’t understand how good of a job Reggie has done, I look forward to the “wow I didn’t realize...” reactions to the numerous think pieces that are to come.

Nothing about a race of space monkey people warrants them being Japanese or even Asian in general but if I were casting I'd go for a Chinese-American.

I love his channel.  Jack Black could make anything funny.