I didn’t know what Tobal No. 1 was, but I recognized Toriyama’s pant and shoe style immediately. It’s crazy how recognizable his style is.
I didn’t know what Tobal No. 1 was, but I recognized Toriyama’s pant and shoe style immediately. It’s crazy how recognizable his style is.
Seems harsh on the guy in the relationship with BAWL, who may have some crushing self-esteem issues and/or past trauma which makes him lose it in situations of familial or relationship conflict.
The second half of this one though! At 0:31, she’s using Genji’s right-click to play chords on the piano! WTF.
Man, I miss the whole Wii/Wii U aesthetic. It bums me out that Nintendo abandoned it super hard with the Switch. I loved the music! I loved the bizarre non-essential apps (like News and Weather and most importantly, Miiverse)! I love Miis, who are basically having their last hurrah in Smash Bros but are otherwise dead.
As Missy Elliott says: "flip it and reverse it."
Best move? Own it. Roll with it. She should sponsor a popular brand of portable grill, kick in endorsements, the whole shebang, a la George Foreman. Call it “Ariana Grillde” or something just as silly. Watch it sell like hotcakes.
Well, I always thought “Somewhere Out There” had won the Oscar. So I’ll just continue to think so.
We received an email from a parent who says their child attends the early childhood center where Ms. Goodson was a teacher. The school community has created a GoFundMe to set up an education fund for Rhylee, Ms. Goodson’s daughter:
Yes. Also, in the rare circumstance where there is an elevator or escalator, there’s a good chance it is not working, or for elevators, too filthy to use.
And that’s even under normal conditions! I thought about going to a breastfeeding support meeting in a nearby neighborhood shortly after my kid was born in icy winter conditions and just turned around and went back in my house because I absolutely the fuck was not doing subway stairs when it was icy/slushy.
Yeah, I’m being a bit unfair to the anime with the comparison (it’s definitely much better made), and if you’re keen on the strange-creature-doing-mundane-things it does a lot with that.
That’s actually why my favorite part of DBZ and Bleach are the between arc stuff. Death gods going to human highschool and Goku and Piccolo learning to drive are some of my favorites. One of the reasons I love Beelzebub so much was because it was a whole anime based on that.
i actually thought that Alex’s take was one of the best ones i’ve seen on that subject, especially because lovecraft gets an inordinate amount of discussion in that sphere. you dont get the same ‘but did you know he was incredibly racist?!?!?!’ taking up half of every review of a new jungle book or john carter movie…
Hey man I’m scared of air conditioners too. Those precarious death boxes are usually self installed and haphazardly just hang out of windows.
Maybe you should ask why there’s so many Queer Lovecraft fans in the first place?
There’s something of a Japanese equivalent to this in the Nyarko-san anime, which slaps a few Lovecraft references onto a mildly absurd rom-com.
Nia is a woman, Nia has always been a woman. That’s the whole point. It doesn’t matter what procedures she has or hasn’t had, she will always get the powers because she is a woman.
- I know, I know, comic book science, but I’m still unclear on how Nia got her powers. The powers only come to the women of family, but is it a biological thing, or something granted to her by higher powers? Does it have something to do with estrogen hormones reacting with her alien blood? Does the fact that her…
Hell yes! I’ve been waiting for more info on her since the phantom menace, glad to see there have been comics and stories about her that I missed. I always thought it was odd that they threw a second Yoda in there and didn’t ever mention it again.
I’m just still hung up on the whole Species: “unknown” stuff.