The former waitress, who said she has been unemployed since 2004, spoke in a soft voice and told the judge she is receiving Social Security disability assistance.
The former waitress, who said she has been unemployed since 2004, spoke in a soft voice and told the judge she is receiving Social Security disability assistance.
You dont watch the news much, huh?
“A terrorist attack carried out by a Tunisian citizen driving a truck killed 84 people on Bastille Day this year.”
Terrorists also use trucks. See the Nice attacks earlier this year.
Doesn’t matter, next weekend is a Star Wars weekend too.
all I see is Cat Marnell
It... doesn’t sound like you’re against it at all.
2. “I’ve made a huge mistake. For the sake of our country, I am ceding this election to Hillary Clinton. Sorry for wasting your time everyone.”
That’s the thing, these people stuck to their echo chambers like Breitbart where those sites actively did not post anything negative about Trump. It was 24/7 pro-Trump. Even now, it’s still like this. Go to it. Do you think they have any posts about Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin’s criticism about Trump? Nope. Because…
Shitty police- who hold the potential to kill at a moment’s notice- should scare everyone. This is an excellent documentary about the militarization of the police and it’s effects on how situations like this are handled.
Among other things, I think it is erroneous to assume that the only misconduct that could be involved by an officer in the shooting of a civilian would need to be race based. I’m not comfortable looking at a situation where an innocent man was mistakenly approached by a police officer and who was shot and killed…
I am SO glad that baby was ok but goddamn I’d throw every ticket in the book at those parents. PROPERLY RESTRAIN YOUR CHILDREN!!! (And remember no puffy winter coats in the car seat! Use them like a blanket over the child once they’re already strapped in!)
“I want to destroy you for your own good. Why can’t you see that, you ungrateful little shit that I effectively disowned.”
Actually, Hillary got more votes than any candidate except Obama.
Also, in the two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, can you cool it in advance with your coverage of that? And during the San Diego Comic Book Convention, can you cool it with all the coverage about comic books, movies and cosplay? And really just anytime something is happening where a large amount of people would…
I come from a country where kids under 14 cannot be put on trial for anything because they lack the complete understanding of actions and consequences. Between 14 and 21, you get social work and rehabilitation for any crime. I do not understand how two 12 year olds who have mental health issues could be tried as…
President Old Dead Gourd Full of Poop
I’m a college professor in Michigan. Yesterday I threw the lesson plan out in my African American Women’s History class, to give them safe space to talk, to discuss self-care tactics, and to discuss what we do moving forward.