
Random but the other day I was inside Walmart late at night. Was in the electronics section when I noticed an anime on one of the 4k display TVs which was an odd sight. Walked over and it was Spirited Away. Than I noticed that it wasn’t the English dub but the original Japanese audio. Pleasantly surprised. Almost

At first I was like... it looks kind of like FFVII, cool vibe... then I was like, holy fucking ass shit he has a gun arm.. and that’s Cloud!! HOW?? What?? oh... WHAT??? Stop!!! FUUCK ME!!

It’s absolutely worth picking up the PS3 version. Just be aware that they *massively* nerfed the hang system to where it drains MUCH faster while hanging and takes something like five full play-throughs in order to max out (and makes it more or less impossible to climb to the top of the starting tower). It’s really

The other thing that is really nice about the remastered edition is the bonus themes. It’s such a small little thing, but man! No PS3 theme has ever been as nice as the wandering-deer-in-ruins SOTC one.

Thanks for the reco! I’ll be sure to pick it up.

Can’t remember where I read it but I’m pretty sure they were in a convo with a developer and as soon as the topic turned to “missing content” the dev apparently went stone cold like he couldn’t talk about it.

That long


Damn it Konami! What the living Hell is wrong with ya?!

I’m done with Konami. Phantom Pain will be the last game I buy from them.

I deleted his file on Final Fantasy IV

Ok that’s a pretty great comeback

Well... atleast we got this awesome wallpaper out of Ghost.

I hope you post more insight like this. We are expecting our first child in April; a daughter. I come from a family of boys so this endeavor will be a life changing experience. I look forward to reading more!

It is just me or Hinata is alot better looking in the movie?

Sorry I have nothing intellectual to add to this discussion but.....SHES ADORABLE!!