Ignore location, get the right car no matter where it is.
Ignore location, get the right car no matter where it is.
Jeep is Italian now, I'm surprised it didn't die in ten inches of driving.
More like the 2011 Dodge Please Drive Around, amirite. It's actually a good thing Ram is its own brand now, or we'd have to call it the Dodger. Which is actually probably optimistic as well.
Based on this, it will be exactly what I was expecting: basically the first season of the US version of The Office, but Top Gear.
@Dirt Pirate: None of the reasonably priced cars are in the game. What a bummer.
For the first time in a long time, NASCAR really seems American.
Hey, fuck you guys, I've been very positive. Can the ~15% of
@DodgeViper98: An excellent answer. I believe the world record for mileage on a car is currently held by a P1800 from New York, with over 2.6 million miles. What more can you ask for?
@Cancerous86: It's available in Europe, yes, but I pre-ordered one on Amazon and they haven't shipped yet. The only US seller I've seen is Target (from whom my Amazon one was purchased) and they don't have any, either. As far as I can tell, no one in the US has one.
@mechanicalTurk: And I forgot to mention, if something does go wrong, everything mechanical is so straightforward that it can be fixed with the tools in the trunk. Not that you'd need them, but these are Germans we're talking about.
Maybe now that GT5 is coming soon, Forza 3 Ultimate will finally be released to mess with me.
I wouldn't exactly call the X-games a success. In the head to head races, the eventual winner won without ever completing the race because he opponents got disqualified on each of his runs. In fact, I think only 3 of the 16 or so runs were completed.
@RandomArt: I always thought it was a Bricklin SV-1.