Bill Caswell is my hero. I always hope I'll somehow run into him (in the metaphorical sense more than the physicals sense) since I hear he lives around me in Chicagoland, but it's a big place.
Bill Caswell is my hero. I always hope I'll somehow run into him (in the metaphorical sense more than the physicals sense) since I hear he lives around me in Chicagoland, but it's a big place.
Someone should tell him that not everything made out of metal is actually totally bulletproof.
Ty Burrell is about 6'0". Based on that, I put the Stig's height under that helmet at around 5'7"... or just slightly below average for a racing driver. It also pretty much rules out my earlier guess of Alain Prost.
255 and 256 are both very nice numbers. Very German of them.
@Demon-Xanth: Hey, no need for name-calling.
It's no Freedom Tray.
Try asking about the Isle of Man. It's not its own country, and it isn't part of the United Kingdom. Its ruler is the Lord of Mann, who happens to be the Queen of England (but the Manx are not English). I still haven't figured that one out.
Let's take a moment to reflect on this video.
I would argue that the statement "Ozzie Guillen is batshit crazy and a terrible manager." is not obvious. Un-obvious enough for Keith Law to suggest that he could be AL Manager of the Year this year. He may have some odd ideas about when to use sacrifice bunts (as in, ever) or how to construct a lineup (as in, with…
They're headed north, it seems. Probably heading to NYC. Wonder where they started, maybe Miami or something.
Like so much else in my life, I blame my father. He was the classic car guy in the 60s, working at a service station through high school to pay for his rock n' roll music and his white sox tickets and a series of Mustangs. A lot of the men in his neighborhood on of South Deering on Chicago's south side worked at the…
@mechanicalTurk: This post needs more.
I remember seeing a video of a Gigi Galli drifting in a rally a while ago, back when youtube was still young- must have been in 2005 or so. Blew me away.
So, who wants to tell them that their electricity comes from fossil fuels? That their added strain on the electrical grid means more burning of coal and petroleum fuels for electricity? That adding this extra step means less efficiency due to dissipated energy (power lines, etc) than they'd get from burning those…