
I suppose choosing Citroen over Peugeot is a realistic portrayal of Peugeot quality, in a way.

I haven't done any gaming for the past few weeks because of workload and I'm still finding it hard to motivate myself. But I think I only feel less productive because I spend half my time doing nothing, and half my time working, instead of a quarter of my time working and three quarters of my time gaming.

I'm fine with putting locks on doors and cars, but what they've done is set up 137 hidden cameras in the house and watched the every move of the residents to make sure they don't misuse the house.

@KoolDrMoneyEsq: Are you really a doctor too, or is the Esq. the only part of your username I should take at face value? Actually THAT statement unintentionally brings into question Kool and Money into question, but I'd rather scrutinize your professional and private matters separately.

@Interstella5555: I totally thought you were going to say "That's pretty brutal...They should have a warning, 'puppies cost more than you think they will.'

@Koztah: Huh, interesting. I haven't done any work in games and I guess I foolishly assumed that they'd do what I do, which is basically use green hair.

No flying penis levels? How am I supposed to complete my Garry Kasparov tribute level now, Sony?

I'm never more engaged than after playing TF2 as a scout on cp_orange_x3 for a few hours. My eyes stop blinking somewhere in there so I don't really have a choice.

Well, Bash, having seen your quite frankly impressive hairstylin' ways, I can understand where you're coming from.

@DirkBarracuda: I like the way you don't finish sentences... you just end everything with ellipses... it makes it really easy to read... and adds some dramatic impact and credibility to your opinions...

Damn it, Tina Fey, I wanted to make an innuendo but as soon as I got through the "I'd pin her-" it all fell apart.

I don't see Wii Music ever really going anywhere, though the commercials did get me excited for a new Mario Paint at first.

@Foxstar Sixtail: I saw the 19.95 price in the search results, but I was still up at 3 and tried to buy one. When I put it in my cart the price stayed the same at 48 or whatever. They must have gone really really fast.

Well Left 4 Dead is a no-brainer at that price. Gotta be careful here, though, or I'll easily spend a few hundred.

Easy gift for anyone who hasn't played Portal: Portal.

I demand that Google port Pokemon Snap into street view. I don't care about the details, just do it.

No "My Heart Will Go On?" Insulting, Sony, simply insulting.

@NorthernAvengeR: No, not at all, but they are a huge step up from the trainwrecks in Oblivion.

If I was a less mature person than I am, I'd probably make a Mines of Moira joke and then post a picture of Moira from Fallout 3.

I don't think Eli will be watching Gordon and Alyx do much of anything in Episode 3.