
@waza: Man, I totally agree with you. It seems great on paper but I haven't enjoyed the time I've spent playing. I've been in the beta for nearly a year now and I just haven't gotten to the point where I ENJOY myself.

@Striderhayasa - Phillyyakk on PSN and Live.: I agree with you. The Dark Brotherhood quest line is by far the best one in Oblivion and you can tell how much love and passion was put into it. It makes the rest of the game seem like crap, and yet that amount of passion went into all of Morrowind. You really get the

You guys bandying about the word "thief" are a bit overzealous. When pirates take something, they don't take it away. When pirates use something, they don't use it up. It hardly qualifies as "theft."

Instead of arguing over whether the pyro is female (since Valve said at one point they were planning to make female models for the characters but ran out of time, and then joked that the pyro could be either and started calling him "her" in house as a joke, to which the purse plays) we should be arguing over whether

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\porn

Based on the quality of FFXII and the quality of Square's previous PC ports I have to say I'll be happy if this one can compare with the PS3 or 360 versions. I'll probably check it out anyway.

Keep in mind, Kotaku, that when you start mandating that everybody play nice you create an artificial environment in the comments where truth is sacrificed for friendliness and the only real comments are those which you have already declared to be forbidden. You can have your friendly little environment in the

Thank you, Sony, for shattering the myth that there are no girl games. We can now see, thanks to you, that there are, in fact, A LOT of girl gamers- nearly 100 of them! That's almost enough to fill two coach buses!

Am I the only one who thinks random battles aren't a bad mechanic? Sure they often come at bad times but without them I found either I got overpowered and just ran past everything, making the game boring, or was underpowered because I could just easily avoid the enemies. Really hard to find a balance. And with

I've been playing this all week and have a solid strategy down that can get everyone but madagascar every time, and madagascar everyone once in a while.


GTA IV for PC always sells because there's a bigger market and people are willing to buy a copy purely for the modding possibilities. That said it is a wise choice to NOT announce it until the PS3 and 360 sales have petered out. Longer development time gives them the chance to add more features too, though the

There was never a single funny Chuck Norris joke. They burned out on Vin Diesel and the widespread popularity led only to them being spouted off by every fuckwit on the internet and on the street. As if it needed yet another nail in the coffin Huckabee's endorsement by Norris in an ill-fated attempt to seem "hip"

I'll get the full-length pc "demo" (cry some more, crytek) and if it's fun maybe I'll buy it for the multiplayer goodness. Although generic CoD4 multiplayer in a tuxedo won't do it

Good to see you other two guys are still out there posting.

Cliffy B just has bad memories of being massacred at fighting games on the Saturn as a child. I can't blame him.

@erlik: You really expect them to ban themselves?

Isn't some insane percentage of knife crime in the UK a result of muggers turning knives against people who try to use them to defend themselves? Maybe, just maybe, if people weren't getting scared shitless watching the news every night and seeing about how they could be KILLED AT ANY MOMENT then they wouldn't think