
A guy I know, named Ed Castronova, has done a lot of research into interactions through WoW and other MMOs. Turns out it's a lot more real than people thing- the brain reacts to an attack on their character the same way they would to an attack on themselves. He actually has a MacArthur Grant to build his own MMO,

@dunetiger reads kotaku, seems pleased: Exactly my thought. Red tends to be the default for the host, at least in every shooter I can think of. Plus there's the classic "host advantage" wherein the host not only has no lag and sometimes the ability to kick players, but the host will be familiar with the map and

I have an SNES emulator on my phone, and it works pretty well. I hardly use it because it destroys my battery life but I have yet to see any games, most certainly not this, that can measure up to a bit of Zelda.

This usage of a kid-friendly icon to market alcohol will not go down well with any of the Mexican special interest groups geared towards keeping inner-city kids away from drugs, gangs, and alcohol, particularly Super Barrio Mothers, who have spearheaded anti-'shroom campaigns in the past. Really this is just a recipe

While TRG is pretty placed out in the PC market, I think consoles have left it largely untouched, and in the end all of the big three, Especially Wii, could benefit from some new additions in the tentacle rape game genre.

More than a MacArthur grant, I can tell you that much.

I think halo is a pretty cool guy. eh gets popped easily and doesn't afraid of anything.

@TwilightKing: No no, that's great. Online multiplayer will let you drink alone without feeling alone. My old roommate does shots with people over Skype and it fills pretty much the same roll.

He goes through life as Dick Gaywood, and then this- ouch. Though I imagine he's used to it.

I'm reminded more of Sealand, the micronation-turned-server farm built on an old English sea fort from WWII. Of course, these guys are already rich, so maybe it'll work out... but for that type of money, I can't imagine why they wouldn't just get an island somewhere.

Oh come on, like we haven't given him every fucking opportunity to succeed. How many second chances does he deserve? I want to like the guy as much as anyone else for the sole reason that he's a gamer and he wants to share games with the mainstream public, but he fucked it up on an epic scale. And then what? He

Wow, well this is really... what is this? It's like the bastardized mutant offspring of that creepy guy on the bus that says everything he sees out the window out loud and a three year old girl explaining how in her drawing all the animals in the forest can live together in safety and happiness because the magic