
Planet Nine already exists. It’s called Pluto.

Idiots. Plain and simple, morons.

Yeah, the tone is insulting and stupid. I don’t care for this “You have no right” type shame trolling, and I don’t remember where The Ringer signed up to be an instrument of the Democratic Party.

Except - there have been no major hurricanes in the past 11 years...

Hahaha no shit. Weather happens. Hurricanes happen. SHIT FUCKING HAPPENS! It’s a hurricane (looking out my window in Jacksonville as it passes though), big whoop.

No, it is no more a sign of things to come than a normal day is a sign that the planet is fine.

oh look another chicken little, the world is ending post from Maddie.

Oh no I am so afraid. What was it like 60 years ago when there was no such thing as hurricanes? I’ll have to ask my grandparents.

So who’s worse: the football player who fell for a meme, or the website that made a story about hearsay 5 minutes after he said it because it fit its predetermined paradigm without taking the time to fact-check?

It’s a lot when you don’t need those people to be working year round or every shift.

“Ugh — even that guy got at least one throw in before he left the stadium.”

Toronto fans are trash.

Typical downtown Toronto trash. Just look at who they elect and you see how this happens.

No one’s free speech is blocked. This is simply the free market at work. Idiots doing stupid things results in consequences. Who knew?

I still maintain the best tombstone would have been BILLY MAYS HERE

It finally took men to get women right - and those (yuck) CIS women who might feel uncomfortable with a penis in the locker room or shower? well fuck those bigots - right, Tom? Let people piss where they want - doesn’t mean that trans people aren’t delusional and some of their supporters jumping on as political

Fuck this is brutal. I hate Notre Dame, yet a 2 second google search would indicate that they have outreach and other programs to ensure that LGBT students are comfortable and treated the same as any other student. The NCAA should not be using its position to unilaterally make decisions for its member schools. This is

Wait... Gowron is head of the High Council!? K’mpec is dead!? And this is how you tell me!?