That Blues Brothers one is my favorite.
Somebody missed an opportunity. A little chocolate hex wrench would have been *perfect*.
50 years from now - posted on “Bring a Rocket”
Whaddayah bet the thief had no idea they were Keef’s, and that now that the word is out they will miraculously be ‘found’. Maybe I’m just too hopeful.
Its beautiful and terrifying at the same time...
I hear David Tracy needs an engine for his postal Jeep?
Is it bad that I now want to trick out my ‘05 Prius like a Rally Fighter?
It works right if you say it like:
That was really cool. Thank you for sharing that.
I don’t know where you folks are getting your information, but MTG cards had a (blue) plastic sheet in them which prevented accidental folding. As a demo to disbelievers I have (back in the day) taken a Juzam Djinn and touched the top of the card to the bottom and it was fine. Go take Revised Plains or something and…
One of my *favorite* KB songs... thank you.
I **MUST** point out an amazing short story by science fiction author Larry Niven about why real life teleportation would not work out very well for the transportee.
No. Never. I’m over 50, and have kids who are 35 and my youngest is 16.
You must NEVER stop asking. It is your job as a parent to engage your children.
You must push, you must prod. You must get an ANSWER out of them. You don’t have to like it, but it it YOUR job to reach inside them get the answer. YOU must develop the…
“rush straight to Northrend and give Arthas a wedgie.”
Yes I can.. he may kill me, but he will still be picking his underoos out of his butt.
Pretty face, nice body, ugly ass.
The AI is still awful. Play V instead.
The AI is still awful. Play V instead.
“Shot multiple times”
Well, good for you France.