Maybe Tim should start another tv series that involves with cocaine. James Woods will take part of it since he needs work.
Maybe Tim should start another tv series that involves with cocaine. James Woods will take part of it since he needs work.
When did Frank Stallone became a snowflake? /s
I believe James Woods needs a coke dealer.
Or will he blame it on Obama like most of the Conservatives do.
Maybe Tim should change the show to Last Men Standing.It will have Scott Baio, James Woods, and any conservative male actors that are looking for work. It will be like Last Man Standing only they be more whining everything going on the world and blame it on the left.
I do wonder if Tim is thinking on blaming on Obama for his show cancellation.
Aren't some of those shows on Fox lean to the left?
Does Glenn Beck have enough gold and survival seeds to pay everyone on LMS?
James spent most of his time on Twitter ranting something. He also known to throw secret cocaine parties on weekends.
Adam Baldwin has become a sad yet angry bitter man.