
@Sam Edwards: I can't tell which device are you referring to as outdated. Some clarification would help me determine whether I should laugh heartily in agreement or hiss like an angry kitten.

@El Guano: Look to your left. The water has been replaced by oil. Look up at the sky. The clouds have been replaced with meteors and sharktopuses hurling to surface. Now look down. Back up at me. The iPhone's front facing camera has now saved the world from pollution and certain destruction. Anything is possible with

Wow, it's so REVOLUTIONARY and MAGICAL. If only it, you know, worked over 3G by default like a similar device. That's where the real 'magic' lies.

'Finally, Android users have a keyboard that's actually good'

@pharmboy: I want this story to die because I'm sick of half of the news on Gizmodo consisting of nothing more but 'hilarious' reflections on the whole damned situation.

@Tyrunn: No, you can actually attribute that to the SUPER STRONG oleophobic glass the entire phone is composed of.

@N1ro: That would explain why their solution is to give away free bumpers until they 're-evaluate' the newest batch of smartphones that are released in September. Err, I mean, re-evaluate possible changes to the design of the iPhone.

@Chris102192: People have an insatiable need to have the truth confirmed, even if it's looking them blankly in the face. Others wanted him to admit it just so they could rub it in his face. In any way, I agree; there shouldn't be any more coverage on this damned antenna from now on.

It's just hi-LARIOUS how Jobs refused to compare the iPhone's reception problem to the newer phones that are actually competing against it. I mean, the Droid Eris of all devices? Was he afraid that the Droid, Droid X, Evo, or Galaxy S would work just fine unless he held them from the whole top of the device?

@A.Jaswal: Well, yes, one would hope that would be possible ala Nexus. The problem is that with that device, Google had the final word on whatever went on with the device. They're responsible for Android in general, so they were going to market it as what you could call a developer phone. T-Mobile really didn't have

@A.Jaswal: Yeah, no. The Motorola Milestone has the same level of protection as the Droid X, and nobody has come close to cracking it after eight months of its release.

@gijenny01: What in the hell are you talking about? This is Motorola's choice, and their choice only. All of us Evo users happily have the ability to root our devices and flash whatever custom roms we please. Same goes for the Galaxy S series.

RIM's statement was not harsh at all. It was concise and to the point. Apple is trying to spread the blame out among other smartphone manufacturers that have never placed design over functionality, manufacturers that have never had this problem in the first place.

@AdamKaoru: Oh...umm, gee. I hadn't realized it had that limitation. Well I suppose if you're uploading 45 second clips like smenjas, it wouldn't be too much of a problem if you have a strong 3G signal. In any case, the upload itself still using up a lot of data still holds true.

I'm guessing your smile means that it was pretty good for a 3D flick?

@AdamKaoru: I don't know, there must have been a reason they released this update with HD video upload AND multitasking ability. Maybe it allows for a person to start uploading a video and switch to another app while it finishes?

Holy shit.

It's funny how he takes a shot at overseas companies. What is arguably their biggest competition in the smartphone industry, HTC (you could add Samsung to list as well), are headquartered in Taiwan. Last time I checked, their phones weren't inferior to the iPhone.

Not trying to be critical of any site in particular, but I'm satisfied that Apple got the damned thing out of the way so that tech sites could go back to making posts about other technology. Getting pretty sick of the lack of coverage on other subjects because of this antenna.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Man, what in the hell are you talking about? Didn't you see all those times when the players would fall to the ground in agony? Do you REALLY think they would be so underhanded and selfish as to FAKE an injury for the benefit of their team?