
Looks nice, but more expensive apps (I'm guessing in the range of 5+ dollars) and overall uselessness as a work device really turns me off the idea of getting one.

@tomsomething: I didn't know women could be split. Is there some sort of dollar-per-pound rate currently established?

The mathematical formula for fun has been known for years!

@matthewabel: People will pay for speed and convenience. I suppose that's why fast food is so successful.

Yeesh, I didn't know the price mark-ups on these items were so high. It's ridiculous how much some people are willing to pay simply for the sake of convenience.

Exercise equipment is meant for just that; exercise. Listening to music is fine and dandy, but if you can't stay unplugged for at least half an hour while walking/running, you need to give yourself a self-evaluation. Is it even possible to break a sweat on a treadmill or elliptical while browsing the web?