
It has been 9 years since I deployed to Iraq. I spent 15 months there doing convoy recovery. Since I got back I’ve dealt with at times crippling PTSD, and about three years ago my therapist recommended I try playing a more realistic war game, as it apparently helps many people (though honestly I don’t know how). At

Gabe Newell owns more than half the company. Contrary to reports of the “flat” organisational structure, an invisible hierarchy is actually in place, with those who own significant stakes having a bigger say.

Mixed feelings about all of this. I agree that Valve supported gambling without openly backing any of it, intentional or not. But intent does not decide if a law was broken or not. But then again, it’s like blaming the car for a drunk driving offense. Sure, you wouldn’t have a DWI if you didn’t have the car but you

It said HIS mother, not yours.

Thith article ith prithleth!

“Hmm, well.....I know that Assad is a town in Syria.”

Examples like you described, ridicule and scorn from real people because of blind faith, is ultimately what drove me away from organized religion at a very early age.

To this day I still wonder how different the world would be if Phil Hartman’s scumbag wife hadn’t killed him and he would have starred as Zap Brannigan as originally intended.

Oh I loved the broom closet ending. That one was my favorite!

I have a feeling he’ll find a way to overcome this relatively small obstacle in his path.

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

yes. Doom engine does not do multiple floors - that means that the top part of the chairs, as an example, is a floor above the actual floor. Doom engine (at least the original) does only allow the level designer to “extrude” geometry up from the floor or down from the ceiling. You can make stairs and caverns, but you

I’m not being hyperbolic. The new movies are fucking garbage, at least in my personal opinion.

This is kind of like creating a VR Batman game and setting it during “Batman and Robin” with George Clooney.

Yeah dude, thats called life. And they never learn if they are held the whole way. Scarry fact, its dangerous growing up, and we can all remember moments we were seconds or inches away from dying. Thatll happen to our kids, and you can prepare them, and yourself, for that or not. Either way, wont stop it from

I believe it’s pronounced ‘chahge cahd’.


Thank God for Jim F’n Sterling.

Yeh. Some forget the reasons why today Germany and Japan are regulated militarily to rubber duckys.

So WW II was pointless? Everyone should have just let Hitler run until he got tired?