
What else can I do? It’s nothing but nonsense.

As usual, this column only attracts people with the most mundane and uninteresting non-problems possible. Your girlfriend doesn’t want to throw out mementos from a previous part of her life? Well why the hell should she, just because you did?
Then we have two would-be swinger seeking a crash course in dating, you

Came here for this reference, was not disappointed.

Juncker is so vile it makes me want to vomit, a corrupt and unlikeable drunk. He’s basically a caricature of an EU politician, rotten to the core.

I’ve had no problems except some wear the analog stick’s rubber cover.

Well maybe it should but then again, we’re not always in charge of our every emotion. Also, I think questioning my emotional stability is a bit harsh, you can’t have one aspect of society bug you?

Thanks, but I’m that stupid, of course these are feelings one keeps to one’s self.

As someone who’s been single for a long, long time I can only that this is real. Make all the jokes you want but seeing all this cutesy Valentine’s stuff for weeks on end every year really gets to you after a while.

He does have one good point though, the wall will probably never get built, even with the Democrats’ blessing.

I know of one game that takes that concept to the next level, Anno 2070 politely suggests taking a break after two hours and then every hour after that.

A few of them were deployed as part of a larger plan of deception involving German soldiers using American uniforms and equipment. I believe this was all a plot by Otto Skorzeny, the same guy who freed Mussolini from Italian partisans. Fighting in enemy uniforms is indeed a war crime but the SS unfortunately didn’t

Haha, well I do know my tanks!

That’s the M10 tank destroyer, better known as the Wolverine. Fun fact: The Germans actually disguised some of their Panther tanks to look like M10s in order to confuse their American adversaries.

God damn I love the N64. I don’t care what people say about the controllers or the cartridge system, the games for it may not have been numerous but so many of them are true classics and highly enjoyable to this day.

Here’s another tip: Don’t buy these churned out, generic games at all.

Swede here as well and I don’t agree. Nothing’s stopping him from restarting his education in 2-3 years when he hopefully has won a few tournaments and has a decent savings account.

The name is kind of misleading, it’s actually more like High school, there are all the usual courses like English, math, Swedish and history, not just sports.

I bought my first SNES at a flea market about 5 years ago for the equivalent of $16. Sure the plastic is a bit faded but I wouldn’t want it any other way. By the way, I’ve also found two (functioning!) NES consoles at the recycling center and having those remade in this fashion is just out the question!

Been there as well (and still is in a way), it’s one of the worst feelings there is.

DayZ is a very confusing game for me personally. On the hand I love the sense of urgency I get every time I explore a village or town. On the other hand, I hate how God damn paralyzed and unfocused the developers seem to be. Early access, alpha, beta or whatever, I just want more content.