Left Hook

Take your star.

Joey Two Cones does have a nice ring to it.

Sergeant Nick Lassard from Police Academy 5? Yes.

This whole fiasco will be worth it if Samuel Jackson shows up at ringside wearing this outfit. Please let it happen.

This Gizmodo article says that the orb was at the new Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology. Still not sure what the glowing orb does but at least we know it doesn’t represent a soccer ball now. Baby steps.

What am I actually looking at here though? Something to do with World Cup? Something else?

Can anyone else provide context?

So this means that the Cavs are all but guaranteed to break the NBA playoff win streak.

Robert Fisher looks exactly like how you think he would.

He announced that he’s not running for reelection. That should help explain the sudden shift in his behavior.

I agree with pretty much all your points here. Maidana shattered his confidence and Adrien has never been able to put it back together again.

In all likelihood? Yeah. He’s going to have a massive campaign war chest since he registered to run for a second term on the day of his innaguration. This allows him to solicit donations to his reelection fund for the next 4 years.

Ganymede Elegy would also like a word when you’re finished.

Now playing

Never forget that Uncle Joe said it best.

I was mostly referring to the quick costume changes and the way it was shot. His young Travolta impression is a lot better than his older Travolta for sure though.

Pulling double duty on the Family Feud sketch was pretty impressive as well.

You nailed it.

Since no one else has posted it yet.

That image has been used on the Gawker/Gizmodo family of sites for years now. Shame I couldn’t find a quick Google Image search of it that didn’t have some weird watermark on it.

Oh well.

All in favor of replacing this image...