Left Hook
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As a fellow PNW person I recommend a daily dose of this.

Russia is playing both sides of this, right? I wonder what their endgame is...

Yeah, even if the ref didn’t stop the fight in the final round the fight would have been scored 29 - 25 Trudeau.

Thanks David!

Now I’m curious to find out which two colors were cut from the original.

Of course this prompted me to do a quick Google image search for Bree Walker. I wasn’t ready to see that this early in the afternoon...

Glad to hear that Jim Lampley is a nice guy though. He’s always seemed like he was on the up and up.

Oh cool, thanks for the heads up! I’ll hunt around and see if I can’t find it.

It took a round for Trudeau to establish his jab but once he did he pretty much had the fight in hand. I did give the first round to the conservative in the blue but have it 2 -1 Trudeau on my score card.

(it’s best if you read that in the voice of Jim Lampley)

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If you’re looking for video of Justin Trudeau punching someone in the face I’ve got you covered. Here’s a boxing match of his from a few years ago. Enjoy.

8-10 words.

Someone stole Jobu’s rum.

“God Watches Tim Tebow Plate Appearance; God Denies Tim Tebow Three Times”

This is a solid headline right here.

+1 Buffalo Bills shirt

The Koch brothers seem to now be providing financial cover to those that vote “no” so this actually might not pass now. I get your sentiment though.

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This version is cut together pretty well too.

The Raible call improves most everything. Thanks for letting me know this video exists.

This list is fantastic and I’m saving it to send to friends. Also? Great screen name with matching avatar. I remember that commercial.

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We got our first scalp. Good job everyone!

Leadbelly, not Bowie.