Ostrofsky claims he was nailed for doing 49 mph in a 25 mph zone in late August, but when he was cited the officer only wrote him a ticket for going 34 mph. Ostrofsky denied speeding at all, and demanded to a municipal court judge that the officer take a lie detector test, for which he pledged $10,000 of his own money.
I have no idea why but I'm kind of excited by the whole package here, the car and the announcement.
lol, I can identify as I too am lucky to be alive.
Yah I'm down 33 so I'm basically in the Hocking hills (5min away).
Yah, I'm familiar phew.
Yah no doubt, back road cruising is the bomb. Being in Chilli you get the best of both worlds because you can head north and west for flat and curvy or head south and east into the foothills. Best of all you can actually afford to house your cars.
Please tell me you aren't stuck in Circleville.
I'm pretty sure they have them in Cali... it's a BIG state mate. ;-)
Yah I'm in Ohio too which is probably why I immediately recognized it.
We do have them here in America...