
I thought the same thing, the arm did go up.

This is the rare signature edition but I agree with everything you're saying. I've seen all the things you have in about the same frequency up here in Columbus. A few of the Porsche Panamera turbos and 911 Turbo S as well.

Oh, I didn't see him/her get out of the car. I just thought it was a random person. I was like... "check out the balls on this dude".

So you're saying that of the limited run of 1000, "at least" 20% of them found there way to Atlanta... I call shenanigans.

Anyone else rewind it like 8 times to see that guy get popped into the air?

Exactly 200 Tesla special "Signature" edition model S. That is a very specific number.

Best bumper sticker ever.

Just for you clown lovers.


I doubt they are Signature editions and even if they are Perhaps they are just harder to get here? At this point I'm more likely to see a Maserati Quattroporte omw home today than a Tesla let alone a Signature.

Probably not a Signature but maybe I guess.

I'd love to test drive one...

Agreed but an edition version gives it that extra little UMPF!

If I see it I'll be sure to let everyone know but in the mean time... while we're all out beating the bushes... I was just curious.

I've only seen 2 of them, one here in Dublin and another down in Florida.

Tesla model S "Signature".

636 miles, then why is it in such rough shape. If it had 100K+ I'd kind of get it but wtf m8. I see breakage, rust and then the details you're mentioning. I understand not being able to keep up with an auto but at 636 miles it never even got a chance to fall apart. It should look like this:

It's easy to say which state has the worst drivers (it's the state you live in, no matter where you are), but which one has the best?

I'm just going to leave this here because it has the correct body kit.