Hillary’s problem was and is that she’s a lying bitch.
Hillary’s problem was and is that she’s a lying bitch.
thats old news
You need a massive dose of xanax. Calm down.
PTSD from debates? You need some counseling. Seriously, get help.
ORrrrrrrr the DNC could nominate someone who doesn’t lie as much as she breathes, but yeah, samesies.
Swearing at work? You should be fired. Act properly in public otherwise you undermine your own efforts.
The USA isn’t the largest democracy. The amount of ignorance here is incredible.
lol. if you think this is just about racism then you deserve exactly the government you now have. You just can’t admit what a horrible POS hillary actually is. She lies and lies and lies. She only cares about herself and people couldn’t vote for that. She’s not a POC her winning or losing has nothing to do with…
and a bad person. She is awful.
You’re socially retarded if you think this was about race.
Maybe try Canada?
The people that voted for the third party aren’t the problem. The DNC and Hillary are the problem.
People are sick of the lack of accountability on all fronts in this country. Hillary is an awful person. So is Trump, but Hillary is the caricature of a lying politician.
Well, maybe the DNC will finally learn to adopt some of the 3rd party ideas and not be so awful as to loose to a guy like Trump.
Wow, you really do deserve Trump if you’re going to use polling to support your argument. The problem is the dems have way too many stupid, lazy, sheeple who believe the polling for the past 6 months.
Think about it, as awful as Trump is, Hillary is actually worse. The nation has spoken. Be embarrassed if you want to, but it’s more the fault of the Democrats that they nominated someone who is so awful and such a big fat liar that they could be a guy who has said, grab her by the pussy.
Makes cents.
And yet, he still looked around until he found something to bitch about. That’s just how some people are. You said it yourself that he gets many perks. He might want to consider just playing hoops and studying and leave the SJW junk alone.
People consistently calling someone those two names isn’t impeding their rights. People get called names all the time. The cops hassling black people more than white people? That’s denying those people the right to move freely and there needs to be probable cause to detain any citizen that is viewed as suspicious -…