People need to quit moving and the gerrymandering will eventually stop.
People need to quit moving and the gerrymandering will eventually stop.
Calm down, you sound hysterical and that’s not helping.
You may want to fact check the type of government the USA is. We’re not a democracy. If we were, the USA would be worse than it is and equality would go right out the window.
However, she lies with such regularity, I’m 100% certain it’s not pneumonia because it doesn’t address or explain her very odd facial expressions, uncomfortable social behavior, her mind going blank mid sentence and not engaging the press with spontaneous questions.
It’d be easier if she focused on not being horrible.
IDK about theories. There’s evidence that our government doesn’t want us to know about 9/11 and they weren’t even going to do an investigation if not for the victims families loudly asking for one.
The point is that it has nothing to do with heat. It’s just another thing they lie about. She clearly has some issue with her brain. A few weeks ago her response to a basic question almost broke her. Something is seriously wrong with her brain and she should just say what it is rather than deny it.
They relate
It’s sheik. America got fat as soon as heroine lost popularity. It’s considered a beautifying drug for a reason.
Just remind the vegans that the lamb are also vegan.
Tut didn’t even have an air conditioner!
Yeah, but he could have and just didn’t brag about it all the time.
Don’t Stans so close to me.
We have no idea what your point is.
What area you trying to say? That the bear missed the documentary? What documentary? The bear misses whom?
It was a Dingo.
Less than three times.
Their own crimes? So you think it’s karma?
If you look at what states have been blue states for the last several elections, HRC coasts into a win.